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5 Things All Saint Mary’s Students are Guilty Of

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

1. Waiting 20 minutes for a van with a blinking light on top of it to drive you twenty feet.

2. Try to open the left door of Madeleva at least once a week, even though you know it is never unlocked.

3. Question why munch money seems to be worth less than real money.

4. Make midnight breakfast become synonymous with dancing on dining hall tables and singing to Beyonce.

5. Forget your ID and just stand in the elevator praying someone else either walks in or calls it.

A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding.