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Coast to Coast: A Guide for Long Distance Students

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Marist chapter.

Hello to all my fellow friends who get the same look of wonder from people after introducing themselves and revealing the far away place they came from. As a girl who made the move from Sunny San Diego, California to Poughkeepsie, New York, I have some things to share for new Marist Foxes who just committed to the family!  

  1. Mail to Marist! Thank goodness! You should get your mailbox number early in the summer, and are able to mail items to Marist all summer. Once received at Marist, you have the option to mail them home (umm no) or leave them to be picked up from the Post Office once school starts (yasssss). This definitely comes in hand when you see those fourth of july sales online but do not want to come lugging a blender in a suitcase across the country!

  2. Order ahead, pick up on Route 9! Here in PoTown pretty much everything is located along route 9 so it’s super easy to find and make one straight trip with multiple stops! Target, Home Depot, and JC Penney are some of the places you can place an order right before boarding your flight out and it’ll be all good by the next day. I personally love ordering toiletries ahead for Target cause going aisle by aisle can take tons of time that we don’t have! Bed, Bath, & Beyond also has this college program where you can scan things at your home location and pick up at your school one! Bless up!

  3. Book Southwest! Southwest along with a few other airlines allow for your first checked bag to be free! Definitely a huge money saver! The space in suitcases should be saved for clothing. Plan on packing plenty of winter clothing now so you’re not left in a rut when it is snowing in November (AHH)!

  4. Email Housing! The Marist office of Housing will often let you move in early or at odd hours if you have special conditions which pretty much all long distance students do.


Keep in mind, this guide is intended for long distance students (not focused at international) moving in for their first year! Good luck and welcome to the family!


Sarah Dorothy Lynch is a junior at Marist College studying Journalism and Public Relations with a passion for writing, travel, and bread (all varieties). If she ever met Emma Stone, she would likely keel over.