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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Clark chapter.

We’ve all heard it: Hydrate or die-drate. But do we know why?

For your heart

Staying hydrated helps the heart pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles more easily.

For your muscles

They work better with water!

For your joints

Water lubricates your joints, making them easier to move and less prone to injury.

For your temperature

Water cools you down

For waste

When water is released from the body, waste goes out with it.

Water is important overall for a healthy lifestyle. It is better to drink water than sugary drinks, juice, or even milk. Water makes up a majority of all of our body weights, so it really is integral to everything. Stay hydrated folks!

Monica Sager is a freelance writer from Clark University, where she is pursuing a double major in psychology and self-designed journalism with a minor in English. She wants to become an investigative journalist to combat and highlight humanitarian issues. Monica has previously been published in The Pottstown Mercury, The Week UK, Worcester Telegram and Gazette and even The Boston Globe. Read more of Monica’s previous work on her Twitter @MonicaSager3.