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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Illinois State chapter.

With freshman year behind me, I can definitely say that I’ve endured my fair share of trials and tribulations throughout the year. With that said, I was able to pick up on some tips to make my transition into college not as hard as it could’ve been.


Don’t stay in your dorm all day

With being in a new environment that you may be terrified of, it can be very easy to shut yourself out from the world and just stay in and watch netflix. However, only going out when you have classes will give you no opportunity to adapt. You should explore the campus with your roommate, check out the town, and start embracing the new life you have ahead of you.

Talk to your parents, but not too much

From seeing your family on a daily basis to seeing them once or twice every semester can be difficult. Don’t be embarrassed to call your mom or dad and just talk to them about your day, however don’t rely on them to fix every problem you face throughout the day. You should learn to handle new problems on your own, which will help you prepare for the future.

Learn to Manage Your Time

Time management is key in college, so it’s something you should learn as soon as you arrive. College can be very overwhelming at first, therefore you need to learn how to utilize your time efficiently. Everyone has the same number of hours in the day, it’s just using them to get your tasks done properly. For example, in between classes get some homework done, don’t just sit around on your phone. In college, there is always something you could be doing that your future self will thank you for.


Get involved 

Now this may seem obvious, but this is the easiest way to make friends. When you join a club, you automatically find people that share a common interest with you. Joining a club will help you feel apart of something on campus, while having a good time with your friends. Having friends in college is so beneficial and necessary whenever you’re feeling lonely or just having a bad day, you have your friends to help you through it. Personally, I made a lot of my close friends from the job I started on campus  freshman year and am now actually rooming with one of them, so that just goes to show you never what kind of amazing people you can meet if you allow yourself to.

Take time for yourself

With having a roommate, it can be hard at times to find time to yourself. However throughout the day, you should try to find time for yourself and just regroup. Freshman year, I definitely benefited from just having my alone time in the mornings when my roommate is still asleep. It gives me time to mentally prepare for the day, while clearing your mind at the same time. With the stress and chaos college will bring you, taking time alone to catch your breath is essential.

Good luck to all of the freshmen out there who are freaking out and scared out of their minds being away from home for the first time. It does get easier with time and once that happens, get ready for one of the best times of your life.


Thanks for reading, V

Hi, I'm Vanesa! I am currently a Communication major at Illinois State University. I'm so thrilled to be a part of the HerCampus team because writing has always been a huge passion for me and now I have an opportunity to showcase that and grow as a writer. Besides writing, I love horror movies, dramatic tv shows, and iced coffee. I hope you enjoy my articles as much as I enjoy writing them so stay tuned for more! xoxo, V
Contributor account for Illinois State