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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

After a long relaxing summer filled with sunshine and warmth, it’s time to go back to school. Everyone dreads it, but if you follow these tips you may find your transition a lot smoother.

  • Once at school meet up with friends! Chances are you haven’t even seen some of your friends since last semester. Go to the movies or get dinner.
  • Make your dorm room cozy and comfy.
  • Go shopping for fall clothes. What better distraction than to go shopping and transition from summer to fall.
  • Designate a study space, either in your room or the library or a common room. It is important to separate your workspace from your chill space.

Just remember:

Kelly Lewis

Stonehill '22

Kelly Lewis is a campus correspondent for the Stonehill Chapter. She is a senior at Stonehill College studying Communication and Journalism. She is from Portsmouth, RI. Kelly's hobbies include writing, working out, watching Disney movies, baking, and attempting DIY projects from Pinterest. One of Kelly's favorite activities is going to the beach with her friends. In the future, Kelly hopes to travel and blog her experiences!