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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

With Fall now in full swing, you may be looking for the perfect drinks for your Halloween parties, or gatherings with friends and family! Here are some great ideas to make them come back wanting more!


1. Spiked Peach Cider

Image from: https://www.google.com/search?q=apple+cider+drinks&sxsrf=ACYBGNRDDvV-A6ZZ35zPBw0_jxtEO0DQKw:1571405419828&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjO-uKu9aXlAhWoSt8KHXvXCCsQ_AUIEygC&biw=1033&bih=658&dpr=2#imgrc=H3tmiOtnBKWXMM:)


This fun drink is so tasty, you almost can’t even taste the alcohol! Just mix peach vodka, peach Juice, and some apple cider to create the most flavor. Add a slice of apple as a garnish to complete the look! This drink is good for any occasion and is refreshing, tasty, and really gives off massive fall vibes. 


2. Hot Chocolate

Image from: https://docs.google.com/document/d/102mAPiEFG8pvQa0jxLavhZJaKGYofmWzisivr_h4QB0/edit)


When it comes to fall drinks, hot chocolate is always a must. While it is easy to make with instant packets, using chocolate syrup and milk will always be superior. Top it with whipped cream and a little extra chocolate syrup for an exquisite look that is almost as good as the taste!


3. Spiced Caramel Apple Cider

Image from: https://www.google.com/search?biw=1033&bih=609&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACYBGNRNXnANchf2wxbP_UIsPtIXyQ5hRA%3A1571405512439&sa=1&ei=yL6pXfGpGvCyggf_k6zICw&q=fall+drinks&oq=fall+drinks&gs_l=img.3..35i39j0l9.11358.12916..13080…0.0..0.69.627.11……0….1..gws-wiz-img…….0i67.Yq08zHnBqis&ved=0ahUKEwjxrffa9aXlAhVwmeAKHf8JC7kQ4dUDCAc&uact=5#imgrc=TphduXGWkC_zmM:)


This drink requires little effort yet creates a different and beautiful result! Just mix a spoon full of caramel into some apple cider (best when hot) and top it with whipped cream and a caramel drizzle. You will never be able to drink plain apple cider again!


4. Pumpkin Beer Float

Image from: https://www.brit.co/fall-cocktails/


For this drink gather some pumpkin beer, vanilla ice cream and cinnamon! A true fall combination that is great for beer lovers and those crazy for anything pumpkin spice!


5. Caramel Apple Martinis

Image from: https://www.brit.co/fall-cocktails/

Mix some apple schnapps, butterscotch schnapps, Bailey’s and milk. A truly simple recipe for a great tasting outcome. Add some sugar around the rim of the glass to add a little extra flavor and a crystallized look. 


6. Bourbon Salted Caramel Milkshake

Image from: https://www.brit.co/fall-cocktails/


Another simple yet delicious drink! Put together some bourbon, caramel, and vanilla ice cream in a blender! Drizzle some caramel on the inside of your glass for a little added flavor and this drink is ready to serve! For anyone who loves milkshakes this is a great spiked fall go to!

Carina Fresa is a current Senior honors student at Suffolk University. Originally from Connecticut, she has truly found a home in Boston. She is the multi-media coordinator for Rampage Show Choir, as well as a participant in Her Campus and the Union of Designers, Operators and Technicians. Carina loves music, film, reading and writing. She also enjoys dedicating time to helping animals, and worked at her local cat shelter back in CT.