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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Thanksgiving Break always comes around as a much-needed break from school before we have to start gearing up for finals and all the craziness that comes with the end of the semester. Most of us have been counting down the days until we finally get to go home, see friends and family and take a break from our busy lives at school. With Thanksgiving, it’s often pretty easy to get caught up in all of the festivities and plans you’re trying to pack into the few days you have at home. With that in mind, I thought it would be helpful to take some time and think about what exactly I might want to get out of this short time away from school.

Take Advantage

Whether that means catching up on sleep or taking some time to get ahead on work, use these next few days to your advantage. Life at school can sometimes feel like a never-ending cycle, so try to use this break for anything that you might need. With finals just around the corner, it might be a good idea to get organized and plan out your studying for the weeks ahead.

Plan Ahead

Even though I love using a break from school to do absolutely nothing, sometimes I return to school at the end of it bummed out that I didn’t try to get anything done. If your schedule would benefit from trying to get some work done before you get back to school, try and plan out exactly when you’ll get to it during break. Also, it might be a good idea to bring home some clothes that you haven’t been wearing, just to lighten your luggage load for when you have to pack up for good before Christmas break.

Be Alone

I think it’s so important to try and make time for yourself, especially at school. With roommates and hectic schedules, college often makes it hard to find any time to be alone. While Thanksgiving is a great time to reunite with friends and family, I think it can be a good idea to find a moment here or there to enjoy being alone. Even something as small as going for a quick drive alone can be so valuable in the middle of a crazy day.

Be Yourself

One thing I loved about Thanksgiving freshman year is that I could take the time to be myself. Especially in your first few semesters at school, you’re so used to meeting new people and adjusting to a new lifestyle that it’s easy to forget who you are. When I’m home, I love going back to old friends or old spots in my hometown and reminding myself of my life at home.

I hope everyone has a fun, restful and safe Thanksgiving! 

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Quinn Butler

Notre Dame '21

Hi guys! My name is Quinn and I’m a sophomore at Notre Dame majoring in Film with a minor in Digital Marketing. I’m from Rye, NY but I’m a current resident of Ryan Hall. I’m new to Her Campus and am so excited to share my thoughts and stories with you all!