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The Holidays Aren’t Like the Movies And That’s Okay

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at ASU chapter.

Christmas is not like the movies—the holidays in general aren’t like the movies. It isn’t necessarily about people doing crazy romantic gestures or family members being picture perfect. That’s for Netflix and its countless number of films that like to repeat the same plot. Which is totally okay! I love happy endings and I find comfort in things that stay the same, but I don’t think the holidays are about perfection.

From what I’ve seen, for some people, it’ll be another friendsgiving (friendmas?) instead. Others will go to church and celebrate their religion, which can be beautiful all the same. And of course, there’s the holidays like mine where silly games of grabbing candy canes with our mouth and unlimited tamales is normal (which is great until you get to the third week of eating them).

The funny thing is, we tend to have these crazy expectations of ourselves during a time that isn’t really about that. I see it as a time to just be… you. All year long, we can be mean in our habits and attitudes. But this time of year allows us to be human again by getting the proper hours of sleep rather than drinking two Red Bulls a day inorder to complete assignments.

We may think it’s a good idea to drink them and pull an all nighter for no reason, but then end up showing our grumpiness a little too harshly to the people around us. We tend to be mean when we’re not content with ourselves so why can’t the holidays be a time when you give yourself a bit of a break? That could lead to a domino effect of people being kind to another and boy, does this world really need that.

Lately, I know many people are starting to tell society that it’s okay to treat yoself and as much as I’ll love to think that hearing that does make everyone be better, it doesn’t always quite work like that. That’s something that takes time and work to get to the state you want to be in and well, why not use the holidays as a starting point?

I see that we’re more likely to be kinder in every way during the holidays so if we apply it to ourselves during that time, maybe one day it’ll become an everyday thing. Being nice to ourselves and others shouldn’t be confined to the last month of  the year but we have to start somewhere.

So the holidays might not be like the movies. People will make mistakes and the gifts won’t be perfect and as tragic as it may be, even the food might suck a little. But I think that’s what makes the holidays so great and real.

Everyone’s trying to get along, thinking not being themselves will make things better, but I don’t think so. It can make things harder and miserable so why not let it go? Let those expectations go to stop the swirling storm inside of you (pun intended, watch Frozen 2 because I haven’t yet and that depresses the heck out of me). But seriously, take a deep breath, finish those finals, and be yourself. We’re not those Christmas movies and that’s okay.

Diana Arellano Barajas is a junior at the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism and Mass Communication in Arizona State University. She LOVES creating: graphics, animation, video editing, it's all fair game! Originally from a small town in Mexico, Diana currently resides in Phoenix. In her free time, if she isn't found attached to a book, she's writing about everything and anything including experimenting with visual content. Excited to write for HerCampus, Diana's ready to make readers smile, laugh, and possibly cry (in a good way). Feel free to contact her here: dianaarellano753@yahoo.com