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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Valdosta chapter.

Men Haters

It is easy to see a one-sided view on the feminist/womanist movements because of false representation on social media. That one re-post of the feminist going off on a man for manspreading is not what it is all about. Contrary to popular belief, WE JUST WANT EQUALITY!

Only Cis-Women

Womanism is for all! For all sexual orientations, genders and colors…it has no boundaries.

All Lesbians 

Sexual orientation plays no role, all is welcome! To be in a heterosexual or homosexual relationship with a womanist is a chance to broaden your horizons.

Trying to End the Male Population 

We simply want to be treated equally! Recognize that we play an imperative role in the world and that we can be bosses too!


The negative connotation that this word has is very belittling. It irks me that if a woman takes an assertive position and leads, she is called a “bitch”. If a man does the same, then it is viewed as normal.


Do not take anything for face value, question everything and do your own research.  


Nicole Mccoy

Valdosta '21

Attending Valdosta State University, majoring in Business Management
Her Campus at Valdosta State.