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TV Show Recommendations to Get You Through This Extended Spring Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.

With Spring Break approaching, one might find themselves in a predicament trying to decide what fabulous destination to jet off to for what is bound to be their best Spring Break yet. Of course, the other option, which is also mine, is to go home and relax. Let’s be honest, either option is better than being in class! For the girls that plan to chill during Spring Break, Her Campus and I got you covered! Here are TV shows and movie recommendations from our social media team.

Starting us off first is our beloved social media director, Tawnie Simpson. She recommends The Circle, a reality TV show where eight people live in an apartment together in eight separate rooms, so they never see each other hence they have to communicate through a social media platform AKA “The Circle.” Each person creates their own profile, or they can opt to go the catfish route. The contestants will continuously update their statuses as a means of becoming “top influencer” in hopes they can remain in “The Circle.” If they are rated poorly by their fellow contestants, they will be removed. “It’s SO funny and nice to have on in the background if you’re doing other stuff,” Tawnie states. Additionally, if you like the concept of Big Brother, I highly recommend this show to you!

“Definitely, The Office!” Madelyn Mairena says. “Not only is it just stupid humor, and you can start watching it at any season or episode, but it’s a good pastime.” Some say this is a typical, overrated TV show suggestion, but come on… Michael Scott, and, of course, Jim Halpert. BIG TUNA! The pranks that Jim plays on Dwight never get old.

Micheal Scott Christmas gif

Reign!” Hannah Fliess highly suggests. The show revolves around the life of Mary, Queen of Scots. “It’s so good and packed with romance, drama and action. It’s fascinating, even for people who aren’t into history.” Fliess mentions how her friend, who HATES history was the one who initially recommended it to her. Additionally, the only downside, according to Fliess, is that you really have to pay attention the entire time because there’s always something happening.

Next, we have Hannah Masten, FSU’s Her Campus junior social media director, AKA, the person who makes our Instagram look bomb. Thanks, Hannah! The show The Bold Type is what Hannah raves about! The show consists of three girls who work at a New York City publication, taking us inside their relationships, drama, work, friendships and anything else you could imagine. Is anyone getting The Carrie Diaries vibes from this description?

For the haute couture among us, Next in Fashion is a fun competition reality show. Fashion designers go on the show and compete and create a look based on the theme for that week, and whoever wins gets to create their own collection and $250,000. Perfectly enough, this show was recommended by Her Campus’s own fashion queen, Ananda York.

I couldn’t agree more with Miranda Torres’ recommendation of the show New Girl. “I have watched the whole show five times through (just finished it last week, again). It’s hilarious no matter what mood you’re in. The characters are so likable, so it’s hard not to fall in love with all their storylines, no matter how wild they get!” Torres states. New Girl features Zoey Deschanel, who portrays the role of the main character Jess, the adorkable, enthusiastic, hopeless romantic that we all know and love. I truly believe everyone needs to bring out their inner Jess at times.

woman eating popcorn
Photo by JESHOOTS.com from Pexels

Lastly, a suggestion shared between Tawnie Simpson and me is the show I’m Not Okay with This. The show consists of Syd, a teenager going through the typical highs and lows of high school and the relatable struggles of one’s teenage years. But wait, there’s more… she has superpowers on top of this whole mess. Sounds a little like Stranger Things, right? Well, the producers of the show were also part of Stranger Things, so get ready to be immersed. Netflix recently released this show last month, and it’s doing phenomenally well. Hopefully, season two will be in the making!

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Hey, I'm Taylor Kirby! I'm a sophomore double majoring in Marketing & Advertising at FSU. You can find me in my room mourning the loss of "Vine" as I pretend I don't know almost every Tik Tok dance.
Her Campus at Florida State University.