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Gone with the Wind
Gone with the Wind
Selznick International Pictures
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Spring 2020 is definitely one to remember. Living through history for me has meant returning back home with my family, not seeing at-risk family members, lots of FaceTime with my cousins, and also adjusting to my work and home life colliding. However, another important factor is my relationship adapting to the change as well.


My partner and I have been together for two years now (as of today!). Building up to this day was difficult because of the fact that we can’t see each other. After seeking advice from my friends and Google, I came up with the idea to send an invitation to him for date night. This “date night” would happen during the time we were planning to go out originally and would take place via FaceTime.


I wanted to make it as cute as possible, so for the things like location I put “la casa” and for the description I left him a little note explaining how although we can’t physically be together, I’m thankful to be with him regardless.


long distance relationship

Now, I came up with two small “gifts” since this is our second anniversary together. After realizing I probably wouldn’t have time to get him a traditional gift, and I definitely wouldn’t be able to give it to him in person, I decided to make an iMovie with photos and videos from the past two years. I usually am a sentimental and hand-made gift giver, so this was still something I felt like I could pour my emotions into.


The iMovie was super fun to create and it took around an hour to make. It was really heartfelt and I felt myself getting a little emotional from it as well. It was a beautiful way to reflect on how many memories we created together in two years. My second gift I made him was a playlist, since I finally upgraded to Apple Music. I put a picture of us together for it and in the description I have our anniversary date. The songs range from romantic to car-ride favorites we like to sing together.  

Photo by freestocks.org from Pexels

For myself, long distance is something I don’t experience with him until summer. Even then we usually found time to visit one another and have Riverside as our halfway point. During spring break it was easier to talk longer and later, but with the beginning of the quarter we try to at least talk once a day to say goodnight or check in with each other. Just as if we were on physical campus, we still are trying to find the balance between school and our relationship with each other.


I believe what I found most helpful for me is having some things that remind me of him. I have a picture of us by my desk when I work, I have a shirt of his for a PJ, and also plushies he gave me.


However, in the past I wouldn’t have been a fan of long distance and would have let my frustrations get the best of me. I know that eventually we’ll be able to leave the house and see each other, so this is another thing that helps us both. The fact of us both missing each other and both putting effort into showing each other we miss each other helps a lot. We both know our circumstances aren’t permanent, so once we see each other again it will all be worth it.

LOVE spelled out with scrabble letter tiles
Pixabay / Pexels

Mya Benavides

UC Riverside '21

Lover of kindness, music, and creating. Undergrad at UCR pursuing a B.A. in Sociology along with a Minor in English.