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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UC Riverside chapter.

Recently there has been a lot of uncertainty about whether Fall 2020 will be held online or in-person. After having Spring quarter online, I’m not quite sure if I want to do Fall 2020 online. I would miss living with my friends (and away from my parents) as well as having a much better understanding of the material I will learn  in person. Here are the reasons I do not think that online school would be a good idea.


1. Procrastination

During spring quarter, I have been taking 5 classes (which is against anyone’s advice unless the school is online). I have weekly assignments and although I have been ahead in some of my homework, my homework for other courses will get done the night before without understanding a single thing of what I am studying.


2. Don’t Understand Anything

Even after watching my lecture videos and reading the textbook, I still did not understand some of the material I was taking. I just kept getting bad grades. There was no one-on-one with the TAs which makes it harder to try and get a better understanding of the material. 

20th Century Fox Television / Giphy


3. Living away from Home

As a college student, I lived in the dorms my first year and would visit my parents every few weeks. Although I miss my friends and family after being away for a while, living with them while taking my college classes is rough and I do not want to do it again. It makes it hard to have study sessions since my house is never quiet. I would also get to live by myself which allows me to have more freedom.


In reality, online school is probably the same for many of us. Some might like it and some might not. Hopefully, everything gets solved by the time Fall classes start over again so we can go back to a normal school and see our friends.

Ashleen was a UCR Political Science and Philosophy major. She graduated from UCR back in Spring 2022. When she was not writing articles for HCUCR, she was usually spending time with friends by going out to eat yummy foods or watching shows at home. She hopes you enjoyed reading her articles!