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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Dartmouth chapter.

Everywhere we turn, we can’t help but see the words:

uncertain times

Here in those uncertain times…

… but not just uncertain. 

Unaware. Unprecedented. Unyielding. 

It’s a moment of anxiety. Some people turn to history books, others try to see through the cloud of an uncertain future like Cassandra seeing the destruction of Troy. 

I hope someone, somewhere, sees a future where we fight for what we know in our hearts to be right. No uncertainty there.

Just the knowledge that lives were protected.

And we don’t let this happen again. 

Sophia Whittemore is a Correspondent for the Dartmouth HXCampus branch. When not working on HXCampus, they're writing webcomics on Webtoons, Pride books for Wattpad, was a staff writer at AsAm News, and has published the "Impetus Rising" series back when they were in high school. Sophia's also a geek, but who isn't?
Aishu Sritharan

Dartmouth '20

Aishu Sritharan is a member of the Dartmouth College class of 2020.