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Why You Should Put Your Pronouns In Your Instagram Bio

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

If you’ve been on Instagram recently, you may notice more accounts with their pronouns in their bio. You might be wondering why there has been such an influx of Instagram users including this personal bit of information in their bios. Here’s a safe space to answer all of your questions and concerns about why this is so important.

girl holding pride flag with blue sky
Stavrialena Gontzou

Who should put pronouns in their bio?

Whether you’re cisgender, transgender, gender non-conforming, or anything under the sun, displaying your pronouns in your bio is not exclusive to one group. The goal of this seemingly small action is to “normalize discussions about gender, especially for the trans and non-binary communities.”

Why do I need to do this if I am a cisgender person?

As mentioned in the previous answer, the action of adding your pronouns, regardless of your identification, promotes inclusivity and conversations about gender. We are moving towards a more progressive and inclusive society every single day. By doing your part and putting your pronouns in your bio, gender discrimination will eventually be a thing of the past!

T. Chick McClure via Unsplash

Why are my pronouns so important?

I’m glad you asked. Although your pronouns might not be something you think about daily, there are people who work incredibly hard to be recognized as their true gender identity. Also, many people are assigned a certain sex at birth but do not identify with it. In other cases, someone might not physically present as their gender identity for a number of reasons. Pronouns make a person feel seen and included.

Original Illustration by Her Campus Media

But, putting pronouns in my bio doesn’t match my layout. . .

I promise, putting your pronouns in your Instagram bio will not take away from a quirky quote or where you go to school.

Including your pronouns in your bio on any social media platform, not exclusive to Instagram, is a small step in the right direction for society. If you’re passionate about inclusivity and equality, consider adding your pronouns to your bio.

A sophomore at the University of South Florida studying Psychology and Sociology. I am interested in movies, art, and fashion!
Hello! My name is Cassie! I am a public relations and advertising student at the University of South Florida with a minor in leadership studies. I love digital art and finding new ways to empower women via the internet!