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Galentine’s Day: The Importance of Celebrating Friendship

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Galentine’s Day is just as important than celebrating Valentine’s Day, if not more. Whether you’re in a relationship or single this February, it’s important to celebrate all types of love. Your friends support you through thick and thin and it’s important to remind them how much they’re loved. 


What exactly is Galentine’s Day?

It’s a day where you celebrate your love for your friends, no matter their relationship status. Valentine’s Day has added the pressure to be in a romantic relationship. With Galentine’s Day, there is nowhere near the level of expectation since it’s not as commercialized. But, it’s still a widely recognized holiday around the world. You get to show appreciation for the people who always support you. What’s better than that? 


Where did the holiday come from? 

The concept was originally introduced on the sitcom Parks and Recreation in the episode ‘Galentine’s Day.’ Every February 13th, Leslie Knope gathered a group of her closest friends and they celebrated friendship “breakfast-style.” She hand-made personalized gifts and talked about why she appreciated the people in her life. Leslie described it as “ladies celebrating ladies.” And thus, Galentine’s Day was born.


How do I celebrate? 

You can celebrate Galentine’s Day in a multitude of ways and there’s no wrong way to celebrate. Pick an activity that you and your friends typically enjoy. This can include going out to eat, seeing a movie, or hosting a night-in. Of course, this is a bit challenging because of the pandemic, but you can successfully execute Galentine’s Day virtually. You can meet with your friends on Zoom, play online games, or you can view a movie with the Netflix Party extension. The important thing is that you’re all together, even if it’s virtual. And you can send a message of appreciation, such as gift-giving or letter writing. No matter how you celebrate, your friends will appreciate that you thought of them.  


Why is it important?

Every year at school, I celebrated Galentine’s Day with my friends. We never did anything extravagant. But, we took advantage of the concept anyway. We bought each other candy. We went out to lunch. And we took many, many pictures. It’s a little cheesy, but that’s what makes it fun. Romantic relationships come and go, but friends are there through it all. This February, appreciate those who always stick by your side no matter what.


A gif of Leslie Knope from Parks and Recreation

Annie Melnick

Washington '24

Annie is an alum of Her Campus UW. She graduated from the University of Washington in 2024 with her BA in English and a minor in GWSS. Annie grew up in Los Angeles, and is a self-described bookworm, reality competition show superfan, and coffee connoisseur, among other things.