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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and whether your plans include a night out or a Zoom call, carving out some time to focus on yourself will do no wrong. So, to help cope with midterms burnout, potential loneliness, and the fact we’re living through multiple historic events, I’ve compiled a 3-step plan to get you feeling fresh and ready for more. On a more serious note, hopefully these steps will de-stress you and make you feel a little more grounded this Valentine’s Day.


Step 1: Treat yourself

There are countless ways to treat yourself, and it can be as small as throwing a piece of chocolate in your basket while on a Target run. My personal favorite, however, is baking something sweet, since you get to be a little creative. If you decide to have some fun with baking, I recommend buying a box of red velvet cake mix. That way, if by chance you burn your dorm down, at least you did it whilst staying on par with the Valentine’s Day theme.


Step 2: Cheese it up

Pull out the popcorn and put on a movie. It can be any movie you enjoy, but Valentine’s Day classics include Twilight, The Notebook, or any Hallmark original (you know, the ones that essentially recycle the same plot and actors in each film but are strangely addicting). The cheesier, the better. If movies aren’t your thing, catch up on this season of The Bachelor and take a drink every time Victoria makes you cringe or Matt kisses one of the girls with his eyes open (for legal reasons, that’s a joke).


Step 3: Slap on a face mask

What is self care if not an excuse to use a face mask? For a few minutes, swap your surgical mask for one that won’t terrorize your skin. Bonus points if you use The Ordinary’s AHA/BHA mask because a) it’s red and we’re staying on theme here and b) it’s Hyram-approved, but any mask that works for you will do.


So there you have it! 3 steps to make you feel refreshed yet festive. Hopefully, this has given you a few ideas on how to make the most of your Valentine’s Day. Remember to protect others by wearing a mask and protect your feelings by not calling your Ex this weekend.

Lainey Merrill

Washington '24

Lainey is a freshman at the University of Washington, where she studies business. She enjoys music, baking, and drinking coffee.