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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

We all know that the number one important thing throughout the day is to remember to stay hydrated, however, have you ever paid much attention to the temperature of your water? If you’re just like me, then you most likely have always searched for the coldest tap setting or added ice into your drink. Although this might taste amazing, which is weird because water has no flavour, and be very refreshing; it is not the most effective path to better overall health. 

Where did this Practise Even Come From?

The secret to drinking water effectively is to drink it warm (maybe even boil it with some barley). Although this practise of drinking warm water it not so common in the West, it is very common in China. Most of the Chinese population drinks hot water and this is so widely practised that most of the time, restaurants will also serve hot water. 

The origin of this practise is found in their history, specifically a cholera outbreak in the year 1862. The outbreak, starting in Shanghai, spread North, but, astonishingly, left the South completely untouched. Their escape from the disease is attributed to the Southern China’s long held practise of drinking boiled water. You might be wondering why only Southern China had this habit and the answer to that question lies in the costs of boiling water. Most of ancient China was aware of the benefits of hot water as they believed that drinking hot water could help restore the yin and yang elements of the body to prevent illnesses. This practise, however, was costly, and, the South being comparatively wealthier, continued drinking hot water and were ultimately able to escape cholera. Their escape of the disease became known all over China and the practise of drinking hot water became widespread over all of China.

Benefits of Hot Water:

Now that we’ve established where this practise originates from, it is vital to answer why we should do it, as Cholera is not something we’re too worried about. There is no one answer to why this practise is so beneficial as there are multiple reasons; some of which are listed below.

Aids in digestion of food

Drinking water in general plays an important role in the digestion of food. The small intestine does the job of absorbing water that is consumed, be it present in the form of water or from the foods you eat. Therefore, when enough water isn’t consumed, the small intestine will absorb most of whatever small amount was consumed, leaving very little water left for other bodily functions. Ultimately, this leaves you dehydrated, which also makes it hard for the bowel to function properly. Drinking your water warm, and often, enhances the speed of digestion as it helps in breaking food down faster. This relieves and prevents bowel related issues. 

Body detoxification

Drinking warm water has been proven to detoxify the body by the very simple process of sweating. Hot water raises the body temperature and causes sweating, which cleans your pores and detoxifies the system. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Relieve Sinus and Fight Colds

            This is one of the most obvious benefits of drinking hot water as it is a common practise to drink hot tea when ill. The annoying sinus headaches can be alleviated by steam and drinking hot water. This reduces the pressure and speeds up the movement of mucus. This means that when you blow your nose or cough, it will be more effective in removing that mucus from your throat and nose.

Reduced Pain:

            It is a common practise to apply heat to areas of pain,  such as a stomach-ache or leg pain, but drinking hot water can also increase the internal body temperature and help alleviate some of the pain. The effects will obviously not be as profound as popping some pain-killers but will be pain alleviating to a certain extent. 

Lemons in water jug on table with cloth
Photo by Daiga Ellaby from Unsplash
We all have varying levels of stress  in our lives and, especially now more than ever, we need ways to relax. Drinking hot water can be very relaxing at the end of a long class or during a stressful study session. Many studies have been done that show that drinking warmer beverages, such as water and tea, reduce levels of stress and anxiety.  

It is important to note that drinking hot water will not cure illnesses or anything drastic but it will benefit you in many little ways. So, whether you are stressed or not, in pain or not, or whatever condition you are in, drinking a nice warm cup of water may also just help improve your mood and leave you feeling like a healthier individual!

Rimshah Abid

U Ottawa '23

A biomedical sciences student who has a passion for writing, science, and art. Hobbies include soccer, bullet journalling, and painting.
Just your average criminology major, who enjoys watching Supernatural, The Boys and occasionally catching a hockey game. Probably off somewhere writing a novel!