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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

We have been in quarantine for almost a year now and I know we all are tired of being stuck in our homes and wearing masks. Plus, my school doesn’t even get a spring break, so all I can do is imagine the things I would’ve done or places I would’ve visited. And that’s what I did. I have created a list of places I want to visit once we are out of quarantine and COVID-19 has gone away or become less deadly.

Two girls embracing from behind
Photo by Ramil Ugot from Pexels

1. New York City, New York

Whenever I think about New York City, the song “Empire State of Mind” by Alicia Keys and Jay Z starts playing in my mind. I visited New York City, only Manhattan and a little bit of Brooklyn, during the summer of 2019. I was there for a pre-college program at Barnard College and I absolutely loved it. The energy, the sights, the restaurants, I felt like I was in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. After quarantine, I definitely have to take a train ride or flight to New York because it was just so beautiful and energetic. 

2. Los Angeles, California  

I want to visit Los Angeles because it’s Los Angeles. Ok, no that’s not true, but it’s the main reason most people want to visit. Los Angeles is the place where all the stars reside, In-N-Out is everywhere and it doesn’t snow there. As a midwestern girl, that sounds like a dream to me. I know it’s not what it’s glamorized to be, but I do want to find out what the hype is all about. If I don’t get the experience that everyone who visits on instagram does, then I’m going to be so disappointed and heartbroken.

3. Paris, France

Ah, Paris, the city of love and aesthetics. I want to visit Paris because I want to know if it meets the expectations or image that it is painted as in America. Is it really as pretty and fashionable as it is supposed to be on social media? Does everyone really only eat croissants and drink lattes? If so, then I will immediately pack my bags and move there. But we all know that social media usually portrays an image that isn’t completely true, so I want to find out for myself. 

4. Atlanta, Georgia

Atlanta is supposedly where Black Hollywood is located and I want to know what it’s all about. I want to see what truly makes it Black Hollywood and how it operates. I think it’s called that because of the millions of black-owned businesses located there. Maybe, if I’m able to get there, I will move there and start on a career path that I always wanted to do which is create and own my own magazine. It’s just an idea, but Atlanta would definitely be the place I would go to as a starting point. 

5. Salem, Massachusetts

Something most people don’t know about me is that I am a spiritualist and I practice witchcraft. I’m not really open about it, but it’s something that I take seriously and makes me who I am as of now. I would love to visit Salem so I can get a feel of the setting where the Salem Witch Trials took place. I want to visit the Witch House of Salem, also known as Judge Jonathan Corwin’s previous home, the Salem Witch Museum and visit some metaphysical shops. I know it seems weird and confusing, but I’ve been interested in Salem ever since I first heard about the trials and after this pandemic, I will definitely be visiting.


Hopefully, the world as a whole is able to get COVID-19 under control because I miss traveling and my list of places to visit is getting too long. 


Hi, my name is Aricka and I'm a sophomore at Emerson College. I write articles ranging from horror and mystery to astrology and crystals. I hope you enjoy my content!
Emerson contributor