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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCF chapter.

Finding the one can be difficult, and you’ll end up going through a few relationships before you meet them. In hopes of making the process easier, I’ve narrowed down a few characteristics that may help you find your lifelong partner.


Trust doesn’t just mean they’ll be faithful. Trust implies you can rely on them when you need to. It’s knowing they wouldn’t leave you at your lowest, meaning they’re dependable.

Having Shared Interests

Having something in common with your partner is one of the most important traits to look for. Many say opposites attract, but what’s left when the honeymoon phase is over? Whether it’s having a favorite TV show or activity you both enjoy, shared interests can help your relationship grow stronger. 


They want to see you grow as a person and will be there for you during that process to celebrate those little victories. You can also expect them to do the right thing without having to ask them; knowing what you want shows that they’re putting in the work.


Having a partner you can open up to and show your lowest points to can be a deciding factor in determining if they’re the right one for you. If you feel the need to conceal your emotions around your partner, news flash, they’re not the right one for you. Instead, find someone you can be completely honest with.

Looking out for these traits in a significant other can help you see if you’re really meant to be with each other, and can possibly save you from heartache.

Skyler Shepard is a sophomore at the University of Central Florida. She's a Print/Digital Journalism Major with an Asian Studies Minor. She's someone especially interested in foreign affairs and hopes to work overseas after graduation.