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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hawaii chapter.

I feel like a lot of people in this world have a very difficult time healing from past wounds that have scourned their hearts. I included. 

And sometimes even those wounds are self inflicted, decisions that hurt the heart that will eventually heal the soul


I don’t think that healing is the complete disappearance of pain and trauma. I think it is more acknowledging that the pain may still exist, and still make you cry, but ultimately knowing that whatever you have gone through or whatever you are feeling, does not define who you are. 

I think that the human body is amazing because it can feel so deeply. I think that is the key to healing your soul. To feel every ounce of pain, fear, sadness, grief, loss, as fully as you can.


You can distract yourself, surround yourself with people, drink, party, go out, and ultimately feel no better. A lesson I have learned first hand, and I bet many of you have too. You always see people nowadays using practices like burning sage and using essential oils to ‘solve’ all of their problems. Healing hurts so much, and it is not burning sage and using essential oils, carrying crystals in your pocket. 

Healing is sobbing uncontrollably on the shower floor because you are forced to face your fears and comfort your very scared and traumatized inner child.


I am a crier. I always have been, and so many call it being a sissy or being too sensitive, but I rather find that being sensitive to my feelings and emotions is rather a superpower than a flaw. My dad always says that, “tears are resistance leaving the body,” they are all sorts of fear, grief, loss, and when they leave, it allows one self to breathe again. To have a little bit of a clearer mind, and some relaxation amongst the pain. 


If I could give you one piece of advice, it would be this: whether you are healing from something new or dealing with pain from an old encounter, cry when you feel the need to cry. Give yourself that grace. You have every right to be upset when you deal with pain. 


“There is an art to carrying the wisdom from yesterday’s lessons into your near season without carrying the emotional weight of yesterday. Give yourself grace as you figure out how to travel light.”


Lovelies, wounds don’t heal the way you want them to. They heal the way they need to. Be gentle with yourself, with your heart. Give yourself that grace.


With love, Jaclyn

Hello my lovely ladies! My name is Jaclyn and I am currently a junior at the University of Hawai'i. I am working towards my Bachelors of Science in Natural Resource and Environmental Management with a specialization in Plant Ecology and Conservation! In my free time, I love to do anything outdoors including hiking, going to the beach, free diving, and photography. I enjoy doing yoga, reading, painting as well as looking at plants!
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