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Sequels: Are They Necessary?

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emmanuel chapter.

2023 was a whirlwind year for the film industry. The most significant output of the year, of course, has to be the “Barbenhiemer” phenomenon. After the success of Barbie many people were discussing the possibility of a sequel. This conversation has had a few supporters, but also many opposers. It got me thinking about how many other films have sequels that simply aren’t necessary, were only made for money, or simply just not good. 

  • My mind immediately goes to Space Jam and Space Jam: A New Legacy. The original Space Jam is one of my favorite movies to date,it’s a classic. However, A New Legacy was so unnecessary, that it took me months to come around and watch it. 
  • Grease 2 can also be deemed as unnecessary, because why make a sequel to a movie if hardly anyone from the original cast is in it?
  • The Hangover Part II and The Hangover III simply were not good. They were made because the first movie was a smash, and producers thought they could make that money again with the sequels. 
  • Jaws 2, 3, and 4…how many times can people get bit by a shark???
  • Shrek 2. The first is too iconic. To try and reach that level again is nonsense. (I know this is a hot take)
  • Most Disney movies do not need sequels. (This excludes the Toy Story sequels, I don’t think I’ve ever cried harder in a movie than I did in Toy Story 3)
  • Mean Girls 2 also was a way to reach out to the OG fans…but she flopped. 
  • Finally, any horror movie ever. How many times is someone going to run into the deep dark basement only to be killed by whatever ghost, zombie, monster is down there! Girl just move away! Get some new friends or something.

With all of this being said, there are some noteworthy sequels I hold near and dear to my heart. 

  • As mentioned, the Toy Story series (except the 4th one..I found her to be unnecessary) 
  • High School Musical 2 and 3 could not be put in the category of bad sequels, but the Disney+ TV show can
  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier, I personally believe to be better than the first Captain America. (Chris Evans AND Sebastain Stan are you kidding?) 
  • Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again is just as iconic as the first Mamma Mia.
  • The Dark Knight: ICONIC. Another sequel I find to be better than the original.  
  • Godfather II. This won best picture…so it speaks for itself. 

In conclusion, I find a majority of sequels to be unnecessary. Superhero movies seem to be the exception. However, if a sequel is to be made it 1.) needs to have the majority of the original cast and 2.) needs to be made with the fans in mind, not just be made as a way to rake in cash.

Maryssa Crosier

Emmanuel '27

Hey! I am Maryssa and I am an elementary education/liberal studies double major! I am a first year at Emmanuel College with plans to graduate in 2027. In my free time I love to listen to music, read, and explore Boston!