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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

Ever thought about turning your downtime during winter or summer breaks into a rewarding side hustle, while also decluttering your room and helping to minimize waste in our environment? Well, look no further and allow me to welcome you into the world of online selling! I have crafted this article into a beginner’s guide containing all of the fundamentals, including some essential tips and tricks designed to cover all areas, from understanding the different platforms to list your items on, debunking the anxiety of shipping products, handling transactions securely, and providing excellent customer service!

Online shopping has been on the rise since the dawn of modern technology, but when the pandemic hit in 2020, these trends skyrocketed, opening up new hobbies and jobs for teens, young adults, and entrepreneurs to continue shopping, while also making money in the comfort of their own home. Online selling was a good way to make some cash while cleaning out my closet or my little brother’s legos up in the attic; I am still very active when I have the free time, especially during winter breaks and over the summer.

In this article, I will highlight the important need-to-know information, discuss some obstacles you may face when getting started with your new business, how to watch for fast-selling trends, and everything in between!

All the Essential Need-To-Knows: Q&A

What platform should I use? Can I use multiple at once?

This all depends on A. what you want to sell, and B. your experience with social media platforms. I have had the best experience with Facebook Marketplace and eBay because I built up my following and listed items that pertained to the audience on those platforms — by listing toys, baby and youth clothes, stuffed animals, and games, I am herding in flocks of young mothers and grandmas looking to buy for their little ones! Furniture, books, jewelry, and electronics also sell fast on these websites. (Marketplace in particular is also great if you are a collector — join a collectors group or club and sell from there! Some have hundreds of thousands of followers waiting for the right Squishmallow or Smiski doll.)

For those who are looking into selling trendy clothing or their latest thrift finds, you can either set up a profile on Depop or Poshmark, or create a new Instagram and name it something along the lines of ___ thrifts, or whatever comes to mind related to thrifting/selling. Many young influencers have built up their following by combining both of these platforms, and by linking an Instagram to a Depop account you have the best of both worlds! For inspiration, simply Insta search “thrift accounts” and dozens will pop up with pretty feed layouts, ways to take pictures or organize lots of clothes, and more.

If you are interested in selling handmade items like crocheted bears or painted letters, I would recommend Etsy. You can build up a quick following, the profile and listing setup is a very simple process, and can also check out other creators’ items or patterns!

Do I have to pay to sell items or to create a profile?

The simple answer: NO! If you have to pay to sell, then do not use that website or program. I have NEVER had to pay to sell clothing or items online, so if it seems sketchy, then do not give them your information!

How should I trust that I will be paid once I begin selling?

Every selling platform will have its own terms and conditions, AND give you a brief overview of receiving sales once you have sold your first item! When I sold my first item on Marketplace, Facebook did not let me continue further until I safely provided my routing and account information so they could deposit sales into my bank and also double-checked with the buyer that they had inputted their information as well so they would actually pay me.

If you are unsure of how or when you will be paid, read up on the platform’s terms and conditions (or in the selling section there should be some general Q&As on buying and selling). If your questions are still not answered, get in contact with the company or report an issue online.

Will people actually buy my items?

It may take some time for the right buyer to see the listing, but yes, your items will sell. That is, if they are being listed to the right audience on a popular platform at the right time! Details and descriptions matter in posts, so if you are getting low hits on a particular listing, there may be something off-putting to your audience that should be changed (whether this is the picture lighting, title of the item, or not enough information in the description!). The more pictures and information, the better!

Sometimes, items are listed at too high or low of a price, and that can turn away potential buyers. If you are uncertain of what to list something at, look up a similar item on that platform to see the prices of your competition. I normally range my items within similar listings, but if you are still thinking that it is too high or low, look up the actual item’s price online (or use other platforms to range the price)! The age, quality, and season of the item matter in the pricing of your items, so list accordingly.

When should I list my items? Are there specific times or days that will get more attention than others?

Late mornings on weekends and late afternoons on week-days are your ideally best times to list items. On certain occasions, this may fluctuate, especially around certain holidays or seasons — for example, during summer, items tend to grab attention during any time of the day since a majority of people are on breaks or holidays and active on social media and shopping platforms.

During holiday seasons, plan accordingly. Since it is near Thanksgiving right now, many shoppers will be actively looking for Christmas gifts for their children or loved ones, so list what you think will sell fast and gain yourself a following for the next upcoming seasons! I tend to list old baby and children’s clothes and toys around this time, since many moms will be looking to buy second-hand or save themselves the trouble of fighting other Barbie-seekers in store.

What should I be worried about now that I am getting into online selling?

Creeps and scams are the main challenges when entering the online world of selling. These can be quickly handled with a few strategies that I have learned along the way myself. I make sure to limit what I am putting out about my own personal life on my selling platforms, especially where I live and where I go to school (unless it is specifically connected to another form of social media like Instagram, or I am giving an address to a potential buyer that I have communicated with prior to arrangement).

Scams come in many forms, but I would make sure to look out for ways that potential buyers are planning to pay you (if it from another form of payment off-website such as Venmo or Paypal), and make sure they pay you before you ship them their items! If you get a message request about an item and the conversation seems off or they are asking too much information, I would just block the user!

*** Keeping up With the Trends ***

Once you have created your profile and began listing some items, take a look at the specific categories in the app or on the website where you can list. Most of these sites have specific trending or “hot picks” sections where both buyers and sellers can see what is popular at the moment and will sell for good money! There are plenty of sites online that can provide analytics and insight on what will sell, and what will not.

During the winter time, I have sold these items most efficiently: baby and children’s clothes, toys and plushies, winter coats and clothing, boots, electronics, jewelry, kitchen supplies, and snow and ski-related items! I prefer to look over eBay for the latest hits and what is actively selling — they constantly update their website to show the hottest items for any age, and always provide price ranges and even ongoing deals!

Yay I SOld Something! Now What?

Communication is Key, Be Active Online

Whether you have sold your first item or your 100th, having quick and friendly communication skills with your customers will give you that extra boost in the online selling industry, allowing your buyers to read your high ratings and/or views and want to buy from you again! This goes hand in hand with social media presence — being positive and posting often will gain you more followers (in this case, more money and future customers!).

Keep in touch with people who have purchased from you (or are interested in buying) about specific details of the items, shipping deadlines, and any other questions or concerns they may have. I get all kinds of questions, from the specific measurements of pants to whether a specific toy listed is age-appropriate for their six-year-old grandson!

When an item has sold and was successfully shipped to the buyer, ask them for a rating or review to put onto your profile — this attracts other customers and shows that you can sell and handle items perfectly.

Shipping and Handling

Most websites are able to provide a basic guide and feedback on how to handle shipping and processing, including the fees and how the measurements of boxes and bags go in case you get lost. While you can sell locally and save both the customer and yourself time and money packaging an item to be shipped across the country, offering shipping can attract more customers and allow people living farther away a chance to buy something they may really like.

As someone who has been a part of the selling community for years now, I will be the first to tell you to have the customer pay for shipping. This will save you money and the hassle of paying for shipping on your own time! Check the box that says the buyer will pay for shipping fees, so that way you do not have to pay the extra $5-10 on sending their item off.

While every item or clothing is weighed and sized differently, most small to medium-sized items can be shipped in boxes or parcels. I always use USPS’s free shipping supplies website, where I can get boxes and envelopes mailed to me (all for free!) so I do not have to spend any extra money on handling my listings.

Keeping Your Items Fresh & Clean

Make sure you clean the item well before shipping or porch pickup! Nobody wants to receive a dusty item or something with a stain on it — if you would not wear it or use it in the condition you found it in, do not sell it. Sneakers, toys, and jewelry are all able to be easily washed and returned to their original condition. For different tips and tricks on how to make your items brand new, check online or on YouTube to revamp your listings.

For items like clothing, after you list items fold them nicely into clean bins or storage containers until they sell. This way, you can keep the listings out of the way and not collecting dust until they sell. Furniture, home decor, or non-clothing items should include in the description if there is a rip or stain — many customers may still want to buy the item and use a cover or DIY it themselves. I normally include, or abbreviate, the condition of the item in the main title for buyers to see quickly before looking further (“IEC” means in excellent condition, “Like new” for items with no faults but also no tags to signify they are new).

Recycling Helps Our Planet And you!

Save some boxes and bags you get in the mail from your own purchases (or your family and friends) to reuse and ship your sold items in! This will save you time and money, especially if you are using this upcoming winter break to clean out your closet or attic.

Final Thoughts

So, diving into the world of online selling during those cozy winter or laid-back summer breaks not only earns you some extra bucks but also helps tidy up your space and reduce waste. This guide is like your go-to starter pack, covering everything from picking the right platforms to sorting out shipping, securing transactions, and acing customer service.

By laying out these essential tips and tricks, I hope you’re all geared up to start your online selling journey, making some cash while making a dent in decluttering and being a bit eco-friendlier. Remember, it’s not just about the money — it’s about the savvy, sustainable side hustle you’re about to kick off!

Hayley is a recent graduate from the University of Connecticut with a degree in Environmental Studies. Following graduation, she is looking to enter a sustainability or eco marine-related career field, where she can help combat global climate change and protect fragile ecosystems on our planet. Aside from writing for Her Campus, Hayley loves to listen to music, go to the beach, create mood boards of her future home and explore new coffee spots!