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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USF chapter.

Summer is just about here! If you’re anything like me, you love reading when you’re taking a beach trip with your friends. Or even just a vacation. Having a book to indulge in whenever there’s slow free time can not only be an awesome conversation starter, but also therapeutic after a semester of required reading. Here are some refreshing, easy summer reads to take on your next trip:

Daisy Jones and the Six

I am so late to this trend but I. Love. This. Book. It feels like I’m reading a play-by-play of The Dirt. This book handles no dialogue so well, and despite being over 300 pages, it is so easy to consume. During my last beach trip, we were all reading Daisy Jones and had no idea. You should read it too. 

Conversations with Friends

Love some problematic characters. This book is so necessary to read as a young person and just feels like it should be read at the beach. Romance, friendships, friendships after romance, this book has every type of communication and relationship. And nobody handles it well! Read this if you love a morally gray cast, and if you want to watch the series. 

Before the Coffee gets Cold

Short stories. Time travel. If you want to start thinking deeply about your own life after reading a book, pick this one.

Play it as it Lays

I finished this book in a day. This is a heavier read that I would recommend researching prior to picking it up. However, the faux glamor of the 1960’s American West/Hollywood scene mixed with a rollercoaster of a main character makes this one of my favorite books of the year. And it’s only April. If you feel comfortable, read this book. You will fall in love with Didion’s prose.

Hey! My name is Novalee Knepper and I'm from Orlando, Florida. I'm an environmental science major here at USF. I love reading, journaling, thrifting, and bringing home more plants. I hope to one day write for National Geographic as a journalist.