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Midterms Are Coming Up – Here’s Some Study Tips

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winthrop chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you grew up not really having to study. But now, you’re in college and kind of clueless on how to navigate seriously challenging classes. Being a freshman in college, the drastic change in the difficulty of my classes has really forced me to get myself together and learn how to actually study. Here are some tips that I have had to learn about the hard way and I hope could help you in your studying:

Change Up Your Environment

I love my room. I spent a lot of time decorating it and it’s now my isolated little space. Being in my room is a great way for me to relax and recharge my social battery, but it really isn’t the best place for me to study. So, to really get in the mood of studying, I change up my environment!

One of my favorite places to study is outside. Being outside really eases my nerves and even though it introduces a lot more distractions, it somehow makes me less distracted. In a way, I feel a little more forced to pay attention to my schoolwork when I’m outside. I’ve been putting off writing this article but now I’m outside, and I’m writing it!

Another place I like to study is in the study rooms of my campus center. It’s usually pretty quiet and filled with other people who are hard at work. Looking at them makes me want to work harder and then boom, I’ve studied for an uninterrupted hour.


I’m addicted to my phone, my mom’s addicted to her phone, my professor’s addicted to his phone. And whether you want to admit it or not, you’re addicted to your phone.

Stop checking Instagram. Stop looking at your notifications, there’s nothing that important going on. Stop looking at the time, you’re only making it go by slower. Seriously, turn your phone all the way off for just a few hours and you may be surprised by how much you’re actually getting done.

I’m not here to shame you about being addicted to your phone, because I’m just as guilty of having an unreasonable screentime. But if you want to do good on your exam tomorrow, you have to turn it off for a little bit. Plus, everyone needs to unplug from the internet every once in a while. Why not do it during a time where you can be extra productive? 

Listen to Boring Music

I get distracted crazy easily. The smallest things suddenly seem so interesting just because I’m looking for an excuse to take a break from my work. So, if I need some outside form of stimulation while I’m studying, I listen to “boring” music.

Now don’t get me wrong, I love music. But I can’t even listen to music while I’m going to sleep because I’ll stay up too long just singing along to the words. By “boring,” I really just mean songs without words.

My best recommendations for this are either Lo-Fi music or classical music. Classical music is definitely not everybody’s cup of tea but for those who like it, every streaming site will have a classical music playlist that you can put on. For those who want something different, Lo-Fi music is a good alternative. It has a nice, relaxing sound without it being too distracting. If you’ve never listened to this type of music, you should definitely check it out.

College is tough, and studying doesn’t make it any better. I hope these tips help you to focus a little better on your schoolwork, but it’s also important to remember that taking a break is essential. Try your best in school, and don’t forget that your mental health is equally as important. Do what’s best for you and don’t overwork yourself. You got this!

Hanna Hedgpeth

Winthrop '26

Hi, I'm Hanna and I'm an elementary education major with a Spanish minor at Winthrop! I love to travel and go to concerts and I hope you enjoy my articles!