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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UPR chapter.

TW: contains mention of abuse.

Medusa, the woman with snaked hair, is one of the most popular characters of Greek mythology. Many adore her because of her intimidating appearance. But what if I told you that Medusa was once the most beautiful human? Her most popular story highlights her power of turning men into stone, making her seem like the scariest monster. The truth is, Medusa was actually a victim.

Medusa was one of three Gorgon sisters, daughters of Phorcys and Ceto.Only Medusa was born a mortal, so she didn’t have the looks of a typical Gorgon: sharp fangs, serpent hair, and half-snake body. She was said to be a beautiful woman who wasn’t a monster by birth. Ovid describes her as being born with a beautiful face and always praises her hair saying that it was “the most wonderful of all her charms.”

There are many versions of how Medusa was transformed into the hideous monster she is known for, but they all have one thing in common: it was Poseidon’s fault.

Medusa was a priestess to the Goddess Athena. Because of her beauty, Poseidon was attracted to her, so he approached her. Due to her loyalty for Athena, Medusa had sworn a vow of chastity and rejected him. Poseidon had her way with her in the temple of Athena. Priestesses had to be pure; so, even after her abuse, Medusa broke the rule. Athena got enraged, but instead of protecting her loyal servant Medusa, she punished her, cursing her to be the most monstrous of Gorgons. Her hair turned into poisonous snakes, her teeth became enormous fangs and her tongue became a serpent’s. The gaze that someday petrified men with beauty now literally turned them into stone.

Medusa suffered a lot with the curse of not being able to look anyone in the eyes, as they would freeze in time forever. She was mostly used for protection, but soon enough Perseus went after her by order of Polydectes, who wanted him out of the picture. Polydectes asked for the head of Medusa, thinking that this was an impossible task for Perseus. Instead, he returned with the trophy and lethal weapon in his hands. Medusa’s head was used to turn people into stone and her blood was used either to take people’s lives or to bring them back from the dead.

A fun fact is that Medusa was pregnant when she turned into a Gorgon, and when Perseus cut off her head, her two unborn children sprang from her neck. That is how Chrysaor and Pegasus were born.

If we think of it, Medusa lived the life of a victim, considering she was still being used after her tragic death. It is sad to know that there are many Medusas around the world who tell their stories, but they are surrounded by Athenas who blame them and Poseidons and Perseuses who abuse them. Medusa has become the representation of these people, and if you are one of them, we believe you and stand with you.

Astrid Carolina is a grad school student at the University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras Campus. She has a Bachelors Degree in Modern Languages and is currently doing her Masters in Translation. When she's not stressing out over doing her thesis, you can probably find her playing videogames or being crafty. Astrid is out there encouraging people to be themselves without fear!