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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

What to do when they ghost you

Today, communicating through technology and social media is an epidemic. However, the issue is not how often people use technology and social media, it’s how they choose to use it. In a seemingly beautiful relationship, people may believe that they’ll end up happily ever after, only to have the book end right in the middle with no explanation. No one is satisfied by a story with no end. This experience is comparable to modern-day ghosting. When all communication with a love interest is cut off without warning, it can be challenging to come to terms with. However, there are ways to overcome such heartache. 

First and foremost, the most important step in recovering is to recognize that you were never the issue. If anything, your love interest was likely the issue, considering they weren’t mature enough to directly end whatever your relationship may have been. The truth is, no emotionally mature individual would leave with no explanation. This demonstrates a lack of healthy communication skills and proves that the relationship wouldn’t have survived the long haul. Essentially, they’ve shown that they weren’t worth your time and weren’t capable of being what you needed. 

In addition, don’t reach out to this person who showed you they aren’t worthy. Unfortunately, sending that long text that you’ve crafted in your notes app never leads to the response you’re hoping for. You won’t receive an equally well-crafted response that confesses their feelings for you, a genuine apology, a kind explanation, or them back into your life. 

The last thing you want is to beg someone who doesn’t want to be in your life to be in it. You want to be involved with people who love, value, and respect you; after they’ve demonstrated they don’t, they’re the last person you want to be around. The fact is that they don’t care, their actions said that loud and clear. Quite frankly, you don’t need to hear anything from them, you’ve heard enough. 

In case you’re still thinking about reaching out to them after taking in two incredibly valid reasons not to, your blunt best friend would tell you that they simply don’t care, so why should you? You’re the prize, if they quit halfway through the race before discovering anything about the course, they would have never amounted to anything in a relationship. You are better than someone who is childish enough to walk away without saying goodbye. Someone worthy of your time will communicate their raw emotions with you, whether they’re good or bad. Remember that when you get ghosted, you win.

Celia Heck

Wisconsin '26

My name is Celia Heck. I'm from Evanston IL, and currently attending UW-Madison. I'm always looking to learn and grow through new experiences!