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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tampa chapter.

Over the last few years, I have collected so many crystals that all ended up lying around my apartment. So if you’re in the same boat and want to start utilizing your crystals, I would highly suggest turning them into wards!

Wards are like little protection devices. They can be used for your home, car, body, etc. When using any crystal, setting a strong intention is important. For example, just carrying rose quartz around will not immediately find you a partner. It’s more effective to set your intention into the crystal as if you are manifesting through a physical outlet. The same goes for wards: decide you want it to protect you, and visualize it doing so.

To create your crystal ward, you should start by cleansing it. I like to use Florida Water, but you can also use incense. Then, visualize the crystal serving its purpose and your intent. You can make this process as simple or elaborate as you want. Here are some examples of what that could look like:

  • If you have crystal animal carving, you can turn it into a guardian for your home. Visualize it sitting by your front door and blocking any negative energy from entering your space. Think of a gargoyle: it guards the entrances of buildings and blocks unwanted things from entering. You can meditate on this idea, and picture your crystal protecting you in the same way.  I love this kind of ward, and I have my own owl carving acting as a guardian for my front door.
  •  If you have a crystal necklace, you can picture it pushing any dark energy away from your body when you wear it. Imagine it becoming a protective barrier when you put it on. You can make it even more of a ritual by lighting a black candle or spraying it with moon water while you picture it protecting you.
  • If you have a crystal keychain, you could turn it into a ward for your car. You can also place many small crystal wards in the corners of your house to protect every room. There are so many possibilities, and the beauty of warding is you can keep the process as short as you want. 

Black obsidian, black tourmaline, hematite, or even amethyst would be perfect if you decide to create wards, but whatever you have on hand will work. Remember to set a strong intention and have fun!

Jessie is a Music Technology major at the University of Tampa. She loves to write about music, spirituality, entertainment, cooking, and astrology. Outside of Her Campus, she is pursuing her career in the music industry and works with Grammy U and Women In Music. (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ♥