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Benefits of Keeping Plants in Your Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Indoor plants are a simple way to boost your environmental and body’s wellbeing. 

Have you ever noticed that you feel calmer after being out in nature?  Plants are known to have a positive impact on health and well-being. Whether it’s walking through a park or going on vacation in the mountains, any connection to greenery is good for humans.  A lot of people don’t have access to big open areas other than parks due to the cities and suburbs that many people now reside in. Although you may not be able to walk out your door and dance through an expansive forest, keeping plants in spaces of your home can help bring their health benefits into your daily life.  

Plants Improve the Air Quality 

Plants help to create better air quality indoors. They can help increase humidity and purify the air. In colder months, when the air gets dry and cracks our skin, plants will help keep the indoors more humid by releasing moisture vapor. It may not solve the problem of dry skin, but it helps reduce dryness. 

Not only do plants increase the humidity inside, but they also purify the air. Pollution lurks inside and outside of our homes because of everyday items, building materials, and mechanical equipment. A study done by NASA shows that household plants can remove volatile organic compounds from the environment by absorbing the pollutants and storing them as energy in the root system. As a result, filtered air is released as a byproduct. As we move into colder months, windows won’t be open as much and you won’t be getting as much fresh air. To keep rooms feeling fresh, plants are a great addition 

Plants Increase Our Happiness 

The sight of greenery can make us happier. It’s thought that plants make humans happier due to the biophilia hypothesis because humans naturally need to connect with other living things, and that the connection is deeply rooted in your DNA. Studies show that spending time around greenery can decrease mental fatigue and increase relaxation and overall well-being.   

Interacting with plants helps calm the sympathetic nervous system, which is involved in your fight-or-flight response, and lowers blood pressure. When this happens, stress and anxiety are decreased making it easier to focus on work and have an overall improvement in well-being. Not only do plants help lower anxiety but studies have shown that people who live with plants have decreased depressive episodes. Plants will not solve problems with anxiety and depression, but they can help mitigate symptoms.  

Plants can improve the aesthetic of your home while increasing your body’s well-being. It’s still important to get outside and be surrounded by greenery, but indoor plants can help bring positive effects into your daily life, especially during colder times of the year.  

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Noam Wasik

Temple '25

I am a Junior at Temple majoring in Communications and Social Influence.