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Easy Ways to Stay On Top This Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at YCP chapter.

Coming into a new semester it could be very stressful. Classes might be harder, you might have more more than the previous semester and the thought of summer is right around the corner. It is important to not let the thought of spring break or summer prevent you from doing your best this semester. To ensure that I do my best, I have a couple tricks that help keep me organized.


Keep a desk calendar

It is such a great way to keep all your dates organized and in one place. When you get your syllabus, write down all your exam and project dates. If you are part of an organization, write down all your event dates! It is a great way to keep everything scheduled and written down in one place to ensure that you don’t overlap dates. And because it is a desk calendar, it’s big enough to see so keep it on your desk so you see it constantly, it’s a great reminder of what you have going on.


Keep a small planner in your bag

This is a great way to write down assignments that your professors give in class and to keep up with all your classes week by week. It is a great way to write down little things so you won’t forget and to make sure you have all your assignments.


Pack your bag the night before

This is a great habit that I forced myself into. It is so much better to make sure I finish all my work for the next day and to make sure I have everything I need for class the next time. It leaves more time in the morning to get ready and makes sure you don’t leave anything behind. It is so much easier to grab your bag and head out the door instead of hurrying to find your notebook before class.


Get enough sleep

Sleep is so important! We all know what it’s like sitting in class and barely being able to keep our eyes open and it isn’t fun. Getting enough sleep makes such a difference in your mood, how you pay attention in class, and really does help improve your grades.


Do not procrastinate

This is one of the worst things when it comes to school work and I am guilty of doing it myself. Professors give you the syllabus for a reason, use it! When you know you have an exam coming up, start studying little by little. It will save you from cramming the night before. Same goes for projects. It is never wrong to get ahead of the game!

I'm Jen and I'm a sophomore nursing major at YCP. I'm from Jersey and I love fashion, my dog, Harry Potter, giraffes, and singing in the shower.