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7 Questions People Ask Me About Being A Twin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Xavier chapter.

You could say I was born into a pretty unique situation; I have a twin brother. Anytime people find out that I’m a twin, they have a lot of questions. Some are confusing, others are just silly, but I find that there’s no shortage of curiosity about twins and their relationship. Here are seven questions that I get asked frequently, along with the best answers that I can give about me and my twin.

1. Are you two identical or fraternal?

Well, he’s a boy and I’m a girl so…no. We are not identical. This is the question that I get most often, even from people who know that I have a twin brother.

2. Does he look like you?

Actually, the answer to this question depends on which one of us you ask. I think that we look alike, but as I was writing this article, my brother told me that he doesn’t think that we really do. I’ll let the readership decide! In my opinion, if you saw both of us together, you could probably tell that we were closely related. But again, that doesn’t mean that we are identical.

3. Who is older?

People usually don’t guess it, but I was born one minute before my twin brother and I was bigger than he was too. But now he’s six inches taller than me, so I look like his younger sister.

4. Do you guys have a twin connection?

To go along with this one, a lot of people ask me if I can read my twin’s mind. The answer is no. We don’t have any telepathic twin connection. However, one time we did have very similar dreams on the same night. Interpret that how you will…

5. What’s it like being a twin?

Honestly, this is one of the hardest questions to answer because I don’t know any other relationship with siblings except the one that I have with my twin brother. Maybe this question would have a more interesting answer from two identical twins.

6. Is it weird being apart?

In some ways, yes. Especially because the people I meet away at college don’t know that I’m a twin unlike the people who we both went to school with. When new people find out that I’m a twin it turns into a whole new thing… “What?? You have a twin??”

7. Do you miss each other?

Yes, I’ll admit it. Although we’ve had our fair share of fights, and there are times when I’m glad to be my own person, I still miss seeing my brother. I guess it’s the same kind of situation with any sibling relationship. Although, I like to think that we a have a special connection because we have always been together, and we experience all the same milestones simultaneously. Suffice to say, I always look forward to seeing him on school breaks, whether he misses me or not!

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Margot Bond

Xavier '20

Margot is a senior Economics, Sustainability, and Society major with minors in Political Science and Gender and Diversity Studies from Louisville, Kentucky. In addition to writing articles for Her Campus, she is a Resident Assistant at Xavier and involved in student sustainability. She loves listening to John Mayer, watching Netflix, and doing crosswords with her boyfriend. Most importantly, she is 100% a cat person.