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RLCG Charles: Is a “sexy” body the only thing guys want in a girl?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Tired of trying to decode his messages? Are you looking for someone who will actually take your feelings into consideration? Maybe you need the inside scoop when it comes to college guys and relationships in general. Have no fear—Real Live College Guy Charles is in Charge! From that awkward moment in biology lab to learning how to tell him “no,” Charles is here to help.

So, I’m not exactly a size “0,” and the guy I’ve had a crush on since freshman year is only into girls who have bodies like airbrushed models. I am going into my junior year of college, and it doesn’t matter what I do: I work out and eat right, and it just doesn’t seem like I will ever be able to have the body he’s looking for. I’ve tried so hard for a guy who won’t even look past the way my body looks. Is a sexy body the only thing guys want in a girl? – Not size 0

Not size 0,

You have to agree that all human beings use the physical body as a way of find what we are attracted to in the opposite sex. When it comes down to guys in college, the main problem is this (and it’s simple): most guys go after what’s easy to get and what’s “advertised in the media,” if you know what I mean. When guys turn on the TV and see Victoria’s Secret models and girls in bikinis, a switch in their brains flips on. It makes them think that anything less isn’t adequate for them.

Today’s guys have been brainwashed to think “hot girls” are the best girls. Well, RLCG Charles is here to tell you that, if all a guy wants is a toned, hot body, and he won’t give you the time of day, let him go. It’s time to move on. He isn’t worth a broken heart. No guy is worth a broken heart, but, before too long, the right guy will show up and mend your heart.

No guy is worth putting your body and mind through such stress. It is okay to try to look the best you can, but make sure it’s for a guy who will actually respect and love your body because it belongs to you. If the guy doesn’t like you (for your personality, strengths and even your weaknesses), let him go from the get-go. Just because you aren’t a size 0 doesn’t mean that you have to give up who you are as a person to impress this guy. Remember this: if you love you for who you are, and you are confident in your own skin, no guy will ever make you feel like you aren’t good enough. Truth is, he isn’t worth your time or energy.  

– RLCG Charles

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Junior at WVWC Football player Education Major WVWC Ambassador Alpha Sigma Phi Fraternity 20 years old