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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Name: Logan Warner

Year: Sophomore

Hometown: Buckhannon, W.Va.

Major: Political science

Minor: English

Dream Job: To be a successful lawyer or movie star.

Relationship Status: Single

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Approach or Be Approached: Approach; I am very straightforward.

Campus Activities: Sophomore Council, Pre-Law Society, Young Democrats

Hobbies: Ski, swim, a lot of outdoorsy, adventuring stuff. And I love to travel.

Favorite Quote or Motto: “Drink the glass of wine. Whether it is half full or half empty, you’re still getting drunk.” I love the quote because you have to take life for all it is worth. If you don’t “drink it up” you can’t get “drunk on life.”

Perfect Date: Dinner at a classy place in downtown NYC, like a wine bar. We would roam the streets and go club-hopping until the early morning; we would have a grand time dancing and having fun all night.

Celebrity Girl Crush: Beyoncé. She is beautiful and she can sing like no other.

Favorite TV Show:  Parks and Recreation because it is non-stop laughter. Plus Amy Poller is pretty awesome.

Favorite Food: Crab legs because they are just the best things in the world.


Are you a good dancer? Yes, I love dancing in the clubs.

Do you have any pets? Yes, a cat named Betsy Johnson.

Where do you most want to travel? I have a fascination with South America, but I also would like to go to Europe.

Best asset: My humor. I’m always looking to crack a joke and make people laugh.

Favorite book: Catcher in the Rye, by far! I like how it tells a story from an abstract, teenage boy’s mind. It is an off-the-wall book but it is so beautiful.

Genie in a bottle, what are your three wishes? To have a killer sense of fashion for my whole life, Be a successful actor that wins a Emmy, and to always have the great friends I have in my life.


Greatest moment at Wesleyan: BOOT Camp because it was when I met a bunch of people and came out of my comfort zone. I met a lot of people that I now consider my family. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Most embarrassing moment: I was scaling a bookshelf at the library and fell. It was in front of a lot of people and it was from pretty far up. It was funny but really embarrassing.

Greatest achievement: To be where I am today. I am doing great in college, and looking back at high school me, I never would have expected it.

Advice to your younger self: Be more open with people. It will get you farther than you ever imagined.

A Question to your future self: Will I be successful? I always want to know what my future holds and if I am successful it means I did things right.


Be sure to follow this week’s Cutie on Social Media:

Twitter: logxn

Instagram: loggggan

Snapchat: loggggan

Living life will only inspire your work.
Maty recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC), and she couldn’t be more excited to return to the Her Campus family as a member of the Community Team.  Maty’s passion for writing has guided her through most of her adult life, and it eventually brought her to to the Her Campus Chapter Network as a Style Blogger for Her Campus WVWC. Maty would go on to become Campus Correspondent of her chapter, as well as an intern for Her Campus National and a Chapter Advisor.  Through her different roles at HC, Maty quickly fell in love with the mission and purpose of the Her Campus Chapter Network—and in her new role, Maty has the rare and coveted opportunity to do what she loves on a daily basis by working with a growing network of 360+ college chapters.    When Maty isn’t at the office, she’s usually out exploring, cooking some random recipe she found on Pinterest, or cuddling with her adorable corgi, Winnie.  Follow Maty on Twitter and Instagram !