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Kendra Gillenwater

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

“She had a lively, playful disposition that delighted in anything ridiculous.”Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice 

As our school year is coming to an end, there is one soon-to-be sophomore that needs to be recognized. Kendra Gillenwater fits the description given by Ms. Jane Austen, seeing as I have never passed her anywhere on campus without her lively and playful personality accompanying her, whether she’s running late for class or laying in the grass, soaking up the sun!

A political science major and Spanish and communication minor from Eleanor, W.Va., Kendra is also involved in choir and track here at Wesleyan. Hopefully next year she will also be part of Young Americans for Liberty (YAL), which is a student organization that she is trying to start up on her own! Her future goals include going to graduate school in a foreign country, becoming a lawyer, traveling the world, and riding an elephant at least once before she dies!

When she isn’t trying to save the world, you can probably find Kendra reading, “putting up” with her boyfriend, Liam, adventuring outdoors, having movie nights with her friends, singing or eating chocolate.

Best memory at college: When my best friends, Garret and Sarah threw me a surprise birthday party!

What is your spirit animal? An elephant because I have a major obsession with them. Plus, the females are the boss!

Favorite place to be: Palm Beach, Florida

There might not be enough time this year to get to know Kendra, but be sure to look for her smiling face on campus next year! 

Junior Public Relations major. I have an obsession with my dog and every form of coffee.