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Dressing for Sorority Recruitment – A Survival Guide!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

We’re well into the month of January, which inevitably means that it’s time for spring recruitment to start. If you’re going through recruitment for the first time, it all may seem a bit overwhelming. More than likely, you’re uncertain about quite a few things. You may be wondering which sorority is the best fit for you, what being a part of a sorority will entail, if Greek life is right for you, et cetera.

But what’s one thing that you don’t have to worry about? Figuring out what to wear. And let’s face it, this can be a pretty daunting task when your goal is to impress a roomful of sisters. Believe it or not, finding something suitable to wear is actually one of the easiest decisions you’ll make during recruitment. Just follow these tips and you’re sure to feel confident and beautiful while mingling with your future sisters!



Try to follow the guidelines that PanHellenic gives you.

If you’re going through recruitment, chances are that you’ve already attended an interest meeting where Wesleyan’s PanHellenic representatives gave you a run-down of what to expect in the upcoming weeks. They also probably gave you examples of what to wear and what not to wear. You may think that this is common sense, but the tips they give you are super helpful! For example, you don’t want to come to Pref Night wearing jeans and a T-shirt when everyone else is dressed to the nines. That’s just awkward. If you’re all essentially wearing the same thing, it takes more pressure off of you—which makes it easier to focus on the important things, like getting to know the sisters of each sorority and bonding with them. And the food.


Stay classy.

Joining a sorority is much more than throwing hand signs and wearing jerseys. It’s about establishing an everlasting bond with your sisters and striving to become a better woman. So, when you are invited to a sorority’s suite, it’s important to bring with you a certain level of respect—so that means that you should probably leave the sky-high stilettos and skin-tight dresses at home. In short, do NOT dress like you normally would on a Saturday night. Dressing this way conveys a certain message, and it usually is not a positive one. You’re trying to present the best and truest version of yourself to these women, so do it with class! You want your future sisters to be paying attention to you, not the ridiculous getup you mistakenly decided to wear.



Dress in layers.

Between the hustle and bustle of sisters and pnms, to high heat in the dorms for winter, the suites get extremely hot during parties. That cute blazer might be great for the first party, but you’ll be sweltering by the second. Take layers and invest in the ultra-strength anti-perspirant to fight off sweat stains! 


Remember that recruitment is a stressful time for everyone.

You’re not the only one feeling the pre-recruitment jitters, trust me. All of the sororities have been meeting, planning and decorating constantly. They want to impress you just as much as you want to impress them. So, the best thing to do is to just be true to yourself in every aspect possible. Make sure to wear clothes that make you feel confident and beautiful. If you’re comfortable, you’re more likely to feel more at ease in your own skin—which will make talking to different sisters a breeze. If you can find clothes that are the right fit, chances are you’ll find a sorority that is the right fit, too.     


When it comes to joining a sorority, it seems as though there are a million things to worry about. The most important thing you can do is to be yourself. If you’re honest with yourself and the sisters you meet in the following weeks, you’ll undoubtedly find a place where you belong by the time spring recruitment comes to a close.        

Share a picture of your favorite recruitment outfits with us on twitter @HerCampusWVWC!

Maty recently graduated Summa Cum Laude from West Virginia Wesleyan College (WVWC), and she couldn’t be more excited to return to the Her Campus family as a member of the Community Team.  Maty’s passion for writing has guided her through most of her adult life, and it eventually brought her to to the Her Campus Chapter Network as a Style Blogger for Her Campus WVWC. Maty would go on to become Campus Correspondent of her chapter, as well as an intern for Her Campus National and a Chapter Advisor.  Through her different roles at HC, Maty quickly fell in love with the mission and purpose of the Her Campus Chapter Network—and in her new role, Maty has the rare and coveted opportunity to do what she loves on a daily basis by working with a growing network of 360+ college chapters.    When Maty isn’t at the office, she’s usually out exploring, cooking some random recipe she found on Pinterest, or cuddling with her adorable corgi, Winnie.  Follow Maty on Twitter and Instagram !
A public relations major with a passion for social media, the arts, and all things Disney, writer Corinne Weaver hopes to bring some Her Campus flare to WVWC. Weaver performs with the WVWC Theatre and Dance department, is a sister of Alpha Delta Pi, and interned at the National Aquarium in the Summer of '14! This Co-Editor-In-Chief will always love her close-knit hometown of Oakland, Maryland, but looks forward to opportunities to branch out in the future. Follow her @CorinneWeaver4 on Twitter and Instagram!