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Your Clothing Guide to Sorority Recruitment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Studies show that a first impression is formed in sixty seconds or less. When it comes to sorority recruitment, unless you want to be a forgettable Flora or an unremarkable Ursula, you’ve got to use every weapon in your arsenal to make a statement, including your clothing. So, here are the best outfits to wear each day of rush!


Open House Round

During Open House Round, you’re going to be at each house for a short amount of time talking to a lot of sisters. It is a good idea to make this outfit loud and proud! If you want to be more low-key, you could wear some simple conversation starters, such as a funky hat or your favorite band’s t-shirt. But it’s the “go big or go home” outfits that attract the most attention. If your favorite fruit is a banana, wear a banana costume! If you love Star Wars, dress up like Jabba the Hutt!

Philanthropy Day

Philanthropy Day is all about service and showcasing your passion for different causes. Honestly, this is pretty boring and unimportant to many of the sisters. To keep them from falling asleep while they give you the standard spiel about the enormous impact they make on the community, make use of attention-grabbing props! This could be as simple as something super meaningful to you, like your five cats or your antique gardening equipment. It’s also a good idea to tie your props back into your outfit. For example, if it’s your dream to be a chemist, show up in a lab coat with a beaker full of hydrochloric acid. If your parents own a funeral parlor, dress in all black and bring the casket they’ve already picked out for you!

Sisterhood Day

Sisterhood Day is important day, as you begin to realize the bonds you could potentially form with different women in each chapter. This day requires a little more commitment and dedication than the other days, but in the end your outfit will showcase to all the sisters that you are passionate about becoming friends with them. You’re going to need to look up different sisters on social media, pick the best photos of them, and print them out. Now its time to get creative! Tape the photos onto your body in whatever shape or pattern you desire! By the end of the night, the sisters will be overwhelmed with appreciation, almost to the point of speechlessness.

Preference Night

Preference Night is the most formal of all recruitment events. During this day, you will only be going to your top two chapters and making a decision from there. Most PNMs opt to wear their fanciest attire for this occasion. This would be a good time to pull your prom dress out of your closet, try it on, and throw it in the trash because it doesn’t have enough rhinestones for this event. Keep in mind, sisters will be making note of fabric type, makeup skills, and high heel length so it’s important not to skimp on the details. A good rule of thumb for Preference Night is “wedding day times two.”


Hopefully this guide has made rush a little less stressful for you! If you follow these guidelines, I’m sure you’ll be able to get a bid from any sorority you want!