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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

Hometown: Dover, Delaware

Major: Economics

Campus Activities: Sigma Chi, Club Lacrosse

Favorite Bar: College

What is the first thing you notice about a girl? Funny enough, hair. I’ll spot a blonde from across the street. A girl’s face is an immediate second though.

What is the biggest turn off or biggest pet peeve when it comes to girls (or just people in general)?  I don’t like standoff-ish girls. I don’t find it interesting, just be friendly and have a good time.

Describe your most TWAMP-y moment since being at the college. What did you do to regain your coolness after the fact? Two of my friends actually wrote about it in an article for Her Campus. I was a black belt in high school, but haven’t trained since coming to college. We went to Jamestown beach with friends and I missed it, so I did a short work out a little ways down the beach, to the amusement of everyone else. I don’t know if I’ve ever fully recovered.

If your life were a cartoon what would it be and why? Archer from FX. He always thinks he’s smooth, and then ruins every aspect of a plan, but things tend to work out.

Hottest Disney Princess? It’s a tie between Jasmine and Ariel.

Are you nostalgic for the “old” College Delly or do you like the new one better? Explain!  I am excited about the new College, the porch is beautiful, and it’ll be nice to not have that lattice work up anymore, but I’m going to miss the old College more. The personalities that worked there are irreplaceable. D Ran will be sorely missed, and a lot of people will also miss the bartender Elana, not to mention Ed and Dean, the owners. Plus you couldn’t beat the prices and the anything goes atmosphere.