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Campus Celebrity: Eryn Barnes ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

She’s a triple threat! She acts, she sings, and she dances! Read more to see why this young lady is a campus celebrity!

Year: 2017

Hometown: Everywhere and Nowhere

Major: Linguistics and Film Studies Double Major

3 Words to describe yourself? Energetic, Eccentric, Intelligent

What are you involved in on campus? Pointe Blank, Syndicate, and Theater

If you had to pick a go-to quote, what is it? I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute – Rebecca West

Name your spirit animal? Black Panther

What is your favorite thing about the holidays? FOOOOOOD

Name the best gift you ever received from someone: Homemade tea with hand drawn bags, a diffuser and a pot

What is the best advice you’ve ever received? You will fail at some things. Everyone does. And it’s just to show you what things you should be focusing on.

Describe your fashion sense: Flowy and loose, simple and colorful

Who are your role models? My dad and Beyonce.

Hip-Hop or country music? Hip-Hop

How do you plan to use your degree and your talents in the arts to help your community in the future? I want to make movies that feature strong females in roles that aren’t romantic. I want to make movies where the cast is actually diverse, not just with a minority character whose skin color is their whole back-story. And I want to make fantasy movies that aren’t cheesy and stupid.

What is your favorite thing about William and Mary? The size of the campus and how when I am walking anywhere I will always see at least one person that I know.