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5 Signs its Your Last Month as a College Senior

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.

1. Class Attendance Begins to Become a Suggestion

Maybe you have officially scoured every syllabus and realized that you could miss two weeks of class straight before hitting the maximum number of absences, or maybe you realized that none of this will matter once you start your job (or lack thereof) in 30 days, but suddenly, being in attendance at every class seems to be more of a strong suggestion and less like a requirement.

2. Drinking Any Day of the Week Seems Justifiable

When else in life will you be able to say “Well, it’s Senior Toasts Monday, Senior Mug Night Wednesday, Senior Wine and Cheese Thursday” and so on and so on? There are 30 days left where it seems, at the very least, less-than-terrible to drink Monday-Saturday nights, have mimosas at brunch on Sunday, and then start the week again.

3. The Smallest Mention of the “G” Word Can Send You Spinning

Ah, graduation, that wonderful yet dreadful day where you say goodbye to the comfort and habits of the last 4 years and get hit upside the head with the real world. Maybe you haven’t landed that dream job, maybe you have an you are terrified of being unprepared, maybe you just aren’t ready to be off of a meal plan with flex that justifies ordering Dominoes every Saturday at 2AM, but in any event, the mention of graduation is not something to enjoy.

4. Unaccomplished School Traditions Loom Overhead

Whether it be streaking the Sunken Gardens, hooking up in academic buildings, or meeting President Reveley, suddenly you start to schedule in all of the ~unspoken~ graduation requirements. No one wants to swim the Crim Dell when its dirty, and we all anxiously await its cleaning day, regretting all the chances we passed up the chance to get it over with. There are only four weeks left, and a whole bunch of Tribe memories to make.

5. Everything is Suddenly Nostalgic

Whether it be your last all-nighter, last WaWa bowl, last paper or final, or last undergraduate class, you will take the opportunity to slap some nostalgia on any moment you can get your hands on. As much as we are all itching to graduate and move on to bigger and better things, the nostalgia is already so real, and we’ve earned the chance to hold on to every little memory. 
Born and raised in Southern California. Loving the East Coast.