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High School Parties vs. College Parties

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

Ah… those were the days, taking a little bit of booze from every bottle in your parents’ liquor cabinet, making one of the tastiest combinations in a water bottle one could hope to drink. We may not recall, but our party lives in high school revolved around sneaking behind our parents’ backs, and now where do we get the thrill? We don’t have to lie, hide, sneak, trick… nothing. We just go about our merry ways, party to party, just hoping not to be the drunkest girl at the party and get arrested. Now, we have our fake ID’s, our RA’s, our House Mom’s, our future to give us the thrill, but is it really the same? Take a much needed study break to reminisce on high school parties, and to realize the differences that college parties bring. 

1. Nice basements vs. gross frats

2. Socks and yoga pants vs. heels and dresses

3. Sneaking booze vs. keg stands

4. Parents picking you up vs. passing out with where ever you please

5. Hooking up in storage room vs. DFMO (dance floor make out).. or just anywhere out in the open

6. Pretending you spontaneously got the flu vs. being openly and visibly hung over

7. Chips and salsa, and cookies vs. late night doba

8. Stealing booze from your parents vs. scouring for booze provided by boys

9. Knowing everyone at the party vs. knowing two people

10. That ONE girl puking in the bathroom vs. those TEN girls puking every where

11. Coming home at midnight (on a good night) vs. going out at midnight (wishing you still had a curfew)

12. Having a cross country meet the next morning vs. laying in bed until 6:00 pm next day

13. What’s a pregame?! vs. pregaming the pregame… AKA blacking INTO the night

14. Having a party on ONLY Fridays or Saturday vs. IT’S GOIN’ UPPPP ON A TUESDAY

15. Wearing a jacket that does not get stolen to the party vs. sprinting with no jacket to the party OR risking the inevitable of it being stolen

16. 7 girls sharing a water bottle vs. 1 girl (or boy) 1 handle

But at the end of the day… the intent is the same; to go out, get drunk, and have a great time. So if you miss the days of high school, because for some of us… yes, it was our peak. Or if you were the lucky bish with the parents who let you do whatever you wanted in high school, you still participated in scheming with your high school friends and now you continue to scheme in other ways. 


I am currently a sophomore at University of Wisconsin- Madison pursuing a degree in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication.  As Campus Correspondent of Her Campus, Wisconsin chapter I am passionate about current events and can be found browsing any and every article that pops- up on my Facebook newsfeed.