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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

In need of some new inspiration to take your Margarita Mondays, Taco Tuesdays or any other day of the week to the next level? These enchiladas are as close to authentic as you can get on a college budget.

What you will need:

  • 1 package boneless chicken breasts
  • Small corn tortillas
  • 1 jar Herdez Tomatillo Verde
  • 1 can pinto beans
  • 1 box Spanish rice
  • Sour cream or plain greek yogurt
  • 1 package guacamole
  • Shredded mozzarella cheese
  • Romain lettuce
  • Oil of any kind

How to:

1. Bring a pot of water to a boil. Boil chicken in water until fully cooked.           

2. Eat chips and guac, because there’s no way you can resist.

3. Once the chicken is cooked, drain and submerge in cold water. Allow the chicken to cool, and then shred the chicken with forks.

4. While shredding the chicken, cook the rice and beans according to package instructions. Heat up the green salsa.

5. Heat oil in a large saucepan. Once hot, use tongs to lightly submerge the tortilla in the oil until golden brown.

6. Wrap the chicken inside the tortilla.

7. Pour green salsa over the tortillas and serve with sour cream, guac, cheese and any other toppings you desire.

8. Enjoy your little slice of heaven!

This quick and easy recipe will have you ditching the cereal and toast for a meal your stomach and taste buds will thank you for! 

Madison is a senior at the University of Wisconsin pursuing a major in English Literature with minors in Entrepreneurship and Digital Media Studies. Post college, Madison plans to complete her dreams of being the next Anna Wintour. In her free time, Madison enjoys listening to Eric Hutchinson, eating dark chocolate, and FaceTiming her puppies back home. When she isn't online shopping, or watching YouTube bloggers (ie Fleur DeForce), Madison loves exploring the vast UW Campus and all it has to offer! She is very excited to take this next step in her collegiette career as Campus Correspondent and Editor-in-Chief for HC Wisco. On Wisconsin!