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Campus Cutie: Elias Meyer-Grimberg

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.


After spending first semester in class with this Campus Cutie, I thought it was about time to share him with all of you. With looks that could kill and a sense of humor that kept me laughing through our entire interview, Elias is the perfect cutie to start off the semester. Here’s a little something to warm up your weekend while you’re curled up on the couch avoiding the Polar Vortex.     

Name: Elias Meyer-Grimberg

Hometown: Heidelberg, Germany and St. Paul, Minnesota (Elias was born in Germany and lived there until he was six but now hails from Minnesota)

Major: Philosophy and Art History double major with certificates in Business and Studio Art

Year: Freshman

Involvement on Campus: Steering Committee for Chazen Art Ambassadors, Student Business Selection Board For Student Business Incubator, and Student Speakers and Consultants Bureau

What’s the first thing you notice about a girl?

Cute moles (He means beauty marks, ladies!).


What’s the biggest mistake a girl can make on a first date?

Being uptight and trying to play herself off as something she’s not.


Blondes or Brunettes:

Red heads (Didn’t see that one coming).


Celebrity Crush:

If were talking about something I wish I could have then I’d say Marc Wahlberg’s biceps. But as far as a person, Meghan Fox.


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Marc Wahlberg’s biceps.


If you could invite one person, living or dead, to dinner who would it be and why?

Hermann Hesse (a German author), The Beatles, and Gianni Agnelli (former head of Fiat).


Do you prefer when girls dress up or down for class?

Up. I prefer when girls dress like they respect themselves. I’m not the biggest fan of the sweat suit look.


What’s your guilty pleasure?

There are these amazing gluten-free chocolate brownies from Trader Joes.


If you were stranded on a desert island and could only bring three things, what would you bring?

Marc Wahlberg’s biceps, a helicopter so I could leave, and a gorgeous girl to chill with on the beach (Really, no food?!).


What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I took a gap year last year. I was in Madrid for six months working at a startup and Milan for six months working at a product design company.  


What’s your hidden talent?

I’m good with my hands…




Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com