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10 brain food tips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wisconsin chapter.

It’s 11:56 p.m. and you’re standing outside of College Library with the decision most students will make within the next week: to eat junk food or not to eat junk food. Well, I found myself, along with my friend (who will probably want to remain nameless), both drained from studying with two bags of Lay’s Chips very late at night. One bag contained the oh-so-flavorful cheddar and sour cream, the other sour cream and onion. We went as far as swapping half and half of each bag so we sufficiently got both options. It was a pretty low point in my life, but, the chips were delicious.

Needless to say, this was not a good dietary move, and my nutritional sciences professor, Pete Anderson, would be very disappointed in my food choices the week of exams. Sure, getting enough sleep, not procrastinating and keeping a to-do list are great finals week advice. But most likely, you won’t sleep, you will procrastinate, and that to-do list you made? You’ll lose that in one day. What you can easily manage are your eating habits! Here are a few quick tips for brain food options to get next time you’re feeling hungry at maybe Ingraham Deli or perhaps the College Library Café.

1. Fruit! Aim for citrus fruits, like grapefruit, or any colorful fruits.

2. As Pete Anderson would advise, eat your dark leafy greens. It’s proven that broccoli and spinach are both good for you and give you energy. Skip the Red Bull and pass me the green…vegetables that is.

3. Water is great for helping your brain store and retain information. Your brain is ¾ water! Drink up!

4. Blueberries! This does fall under the fruit category; however, blueberries are really great to get your mind flowing. My dad always used to make me eat these before a test, and they are so much better than Wheaties.

5. Go ahead, eat some CHOCOLATE!!! Dark Chocolate is rich in flavanols that boost blood supply to the brain and help improve cognitive skills. Plus there is some natural caffeine in chocolate that gives you an energy boost.

6. Eat nuts, and be happy! I prefer almonds and cashews, but these little bursts of flavor are proven to boost your mood and brain power.

7. Opt for a hardboiled egg at breakfast and get the protein you need to start your day of studying.

8. Chobani Greek Yogurt has become my newest obsession. This yogurt is so yummy and sweet, and it’s good for you! It’s a no brainer when you’re choosing between yogurts.

9. Chew gum while studying. It’s proven to stimulate your brain, and it keeps you from mindlessly snacking.

10. Whole grains are thought of as the best source of brain food because it gives you a good amount of glucose. Pick whole grain bread for your toast in the morning and at lunch on your sandwich. It’s a quick fix, and I now prefer the taste to white bread.

Becca Bahrke is a junior at the University of Wisconsin- Madison majoring in Retailing and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Gender & Women Studies. Becca is currently the CC/EIC of Her Campus- Wisconsin, and will continue writing news. Becca's primary hobby is blogging on her tumblr http://beccahasnothingtowear.tumblr.com