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8 Thank Yous to the Women in My Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

Every once in a while, a person will come into our lives and change us for the better. They’ll make us want to be the best version of ourselves; they’ll encourage us to reach higher when we’re at our absolute lowest.


Luckily for me, I can easily think of eight of these types of people from my life, and they all just so happen to be women.


On International Women’s Day this Mar. 8, women’s achievements from across the globe are celebrated, and I’d like to to not only thank eight incredible women in my own life, but also to celebrate their accomplishments.

six women standing in dresses against a cliff
1. [B.R.]

To my freshman-year college R.A., thank you for your infectious happiness. Even though you were only in the dorm for the first semester, I’ll never forget the way you filled any room you walked into with utter happiness. Thank you for showing me a way to always focus on the positive in a situation, no matter how hard it may seem to do sometimes; thank you for being there to listen to the thoughts and feelings I would have otherwise bottled up; and thank you for making my first semester in college an enjoyable, easy and welcoming transition. Most of all, though, thank you for your infectious happiness.

2. [J.K.]

To my color guard partner, thank you for your relentless support. I’m so thankful the two of us were paired up during our first season in marching band, and I’ll never forget all the jokes we shared. Thank you for your (sometimes unappreciated) spontaneity, whether it be in the form of a girls’ night in or a late drive; thank you for teaching me how to accept my faults and know they’re much smaller than I make them out to be; and thank you for your unbreakable loyalty to our friendship. Congrats on your achievements in color guard and for getting accepted into your dream school. Most of all, though, thank you for your relentless support, Bee. I’m so proud of you!

row of blue cupcakes
Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
3. [G.C.]

To my middle school bestie and Cupcake companion, thank you for your unwavering humor. I still cannot get over the fact that you and I have known each other for nearly seven years now—where did the time go? Thank you for the up-all-night girl talks and the legendary sleepover moments captured on Snapchat; thank you for making me have some of the hardest laughs I’ve ever had in my life; and thank you for always keeping in touch, no matter the distance that separates us. It’s truly an honor to have you as my best friend and I still consider you a sister, even though we’re both only children. Congrats on finding your new passion—you’ll make an excellent vet. Most of all, though, thank you for your unwavering humor, Conehead. Love you!

4. [T.S.]

To my beautiful and spunky cousin, thank you for all your advice. It has been so much fun following in your footsteps—first in color guard and now in college at Winona State University—and carrying on the family name. Thank you for answering every question I had before starting school, despite my many redundancies; thank you for always knowing how to bring out the social side of everyone at holiday get-togethers; and thank you for being such a great role model for me to look up to since I was little. I’m so happy that you survived college, made a life for yourself in Oklahoma (and then Maine), and are continuing to help people with your nursing degree. Most of all, though, thank you for all your advice, and I hope to see you soon!

The Lalastack Of Old Books And Glasses
Her Campus Media
5. [P.D.]

To my high school forensics teacher, thank you for your never-ending kindness and guidance. I’m forever grateful for the relationship I built with you through the yearbook staff over the course of senior high and in your very class senior year. Thank you for teaching with such enthusiasm and for showing me the fun side of science; thank you for challenging me, both inside and outside the classroom; and thank you for opening a door for me that I can now proudly call my future. You’re one of the few people in my life who pushed me further than I ever pushed myself to achieve my highest potential, and that’s something for which I’ll never be able to thank you enough. You’re doing wonderful things as a teacher and are no doubt changing lives with the love you have for what you teach. Most of all, though, thank you for your never-ending kindness and guidance.

6. [C.S.]

To my sassy Grandma, thank you for your unconditional love. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of swimming in your pool during the summer and having a slice (or three) of dessert pizza at Godfather’s Pizza. Thank you for feeding my ever-growing imagination when I was little; thank you for hosting family gatherings, even when you were tired; and, before I came in the picture, thank you for raising such a wonderful son whom I proudly get to call Dad. I admire you for how you brought up his other siblings all on your own, a task that only a strong woman could possibly handle. Most of all, though, thank you for your unconditional love.

Two Women on Balcony
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels
7. [B.S.]

To my “College Mom” and crafty Auntie, thank you for bringing out my playful side. You’ve always had a youthful energy that’s undeniably contagious and I’ll never take that for granted. Thank you for showing me how to let loose and have fun; thank you for telling me not to take myself too seriously or be too hard on myself while also encouraging me to never sell myself short; and thank you for being the best support system I could’ve ever asked for, especially while I’m away at college now. You’re such a selfless person and I aspire to give to others with the ease that you’ve always had. Most of all, though, thank you for bringing out my playful side.

8. [P.S.]

To my childhood best friend, thank you for everything. I’ll never be able to thank you for all the love you’ve given me since the day I was born and I’m so unbelievably lucky to have the relationship that I have with you today. Thank you for embracing me when I’ve given up and telling me to, instead, reach higher; thank you for fueling my creativity; and thank you for raising me right—with good morals, a brain full of knowledge and intuition, and open arms ready to take on life’s curveballs. You’ve been through it all—from conquering the challenge of quitting smoking to the sadness of losing your own parents to illness—and have managed to remain in one piece. I sometimes find myself in awe, asking myself, “This is my mother?” and I fear the day when you no longer exist in my world. I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today without you and I’m forever grateful to be your only child. Thank you for everything. I love you, Mom.

Black Girl Beauty Landing Hero Image
Adebusola Abujade / Her Campus Media
Make sure to take a few moments this International Women’s Day to appreciate the incredible women in your own life, friends and family alike!

| 2018-20 Club President/Campus Correspondent | Hailey Seipel is a senior at Winona State University who is studying Applied & Professional Writing and Journalism. She has been passionate about writing ever since she was little, and a dream of hers is to author poetry, sci-fi and romance novels. Until then, she is interested in working as a creative/blog writer, technical editor or project coordinator after graduating. In her free time, Hailey enjoys listening to music and reading leisurely.