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Appropriate Valentine’s Day Gifts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Winona chapter.

February 14th is the day of love: Valentine’s Day! It’s the day where you get to spend time with your significant other or best friends and show them how much you care. Getting Valentine’s gifts for someone really isn’t that simple; it’s not how it was in elementary school when all you had to do was buy a pack of premade cards and add a piece of candy to it. No, when you’re older and relationships are legitimate, gifts actually mean something.

Getting a gift for your man should be fun, but it can also be challenging. If you’ve only been dating for a few months you might struggle trying to figure out what his interests are, but if you’ve been dating for longer you might be trying to find something new and original to give him. Here’s a list of some awesome gift ideas to give your guy depending on how long you’ve been together.


At this point you might be able to get away with not getting him a gift, but if he gives you some flowers and candy . . . awkward. For this stage in a relationship go with something simple yet sentimental. Every guy loves food, so gift cards to his favorite restaurant or a food gift pack would be a great gift because then you two can spend time together while chowing down.

Or, if food doesn’t sound like gift material, make him something! Homemade gifts always have meaning behind them and will always be greatly appreciated. Clothes are also an option.


If you’ve been dating for a year, chances are you’ve already given him gifts for other occasions. When you and your man have been dating for a year, what’s his is yours, or so some people say. Gift him something that you both can enjoy, like a fancy dinner at one of your favorite restaurants, or tickets to a concert or show. At this point a V-Day gift doesn’t necessarily have to be something wrapped with a bow; it can be a date night or even just spending a day enjoying a movie marathon with some of your favorite snacks and beverages. (This would be my favorite option!)


By now you two know each other and might think that you have run out of options for gift ideas or even that Valentine’s Day isn’t special anymore, but that’s not true! Showing that you love them is still a good excuse as any to splurge a little! Sentimental gifts like a card or journal of love will always be more heartfelt than a box of candy. Or, if there is a place that both of you have always wanted to go to, take a trip and see what the area has to offer!


Figuring out what to get your special someone can sometimes be daunting, but it shouldn’t be. Ideas are endless when it comes to Valentine’s Day and you don’t have to stick to the basics or break the bank to show your love.

Show your love and enjoy Valentine’s Day! XOXO


I love exploring the outdoors, writing, whales, and have a major sweet tooth for cheesecake! Volleyball and hockey are my favorite sports to play and watch. When it comes to writing, I love it. I truly enjoy being able to write articles and stories about topics people would enjoy reading.
This is Gabriella Ingebrand: Junior at Winona State University majoring in Advertisement. She is a master when it comes to wasting time on Pinterest and making a mess while baking in the kitchen. She is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Winona, President of Dream Closet Winona, Communication Specialist for AdFed, and Social Media Chair for her sorority. All in all, Gabriella is a free spirit always trying to have a good time.