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How To Tackle Your First Year at UWO

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Western chapter.

The first year of university is one hell of a roller coaster. With each up and down there is a new emotion you didn’t even know you had. Sometimes dealing with the harder emotions can make it seem like going to university was a mistake or that you can’t possibly pass the course if you fail your midterm. All of these anxieties are perfectly valid and can really throw you to the curb, but there are ways to deal with these worries and put them to ease. Pushing through your first year is the hardest part. As the classes get harder, university gets easier and in second year or even second semester you’ll really feel like you’ve got a hold on things and are able to power through. There is light at the end of the first year tunnel; you just have to be willing to find it. 

One way to make it through first year is to take advantage of your resources. Talk to your Sophs and Dons if you are having any personal or inter-roommate issues. They are there to help make all transitions easier and to help solve problems when things get out of hand. All they want is to see you all succeed and they are fully genuine with those feelings. Use your Sophs and Dons to make the year go smoothly and approach them if you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on. Also, don’t be afraid to go to those writing clinics you always hear about. If you, like me, are in the English program, there is nothing more crucial than being able to write a strong thesis and conclusion. 

If you need a break, take one. Whether it’s visiting your friends at another university for the weekend or going home to hug your mom, when your body is telling you it needs time to recuperate, listen and relax for a day or two.  Your body and mind will thank you.

Cry if you need to … self-explanatory. 

Make sure to eat healthy. There is nothing worse than leaving for Christmas and realizing that you hadn’t eaten anything green and leafy since thanksgiving. Not properly nourishing your body can lead to depression, anxiety, and extreme tiredness. Avoiding spinach salad will only hurt your brainpower in a time of need and make you feel like garbage. Salad bars are provided with the residence meal plans and are easy to make as sides or as meals. Having comfort food is also great – remember everything in moderation and you will be a happy camper. 

Sleeping. Not sleeping has very similar effects as not eating properly, but they will affect you ten times more than not eating. Pulling an all-nighter will not help your grades or your next day’s performance.  So crawl into bed and get at least an hour or two, those few moments of beautiful sleep will save your a$$. Note: when I say all nighters do not work I am not kidding, however cramming until 4am is not always wasted time. 4am-6am of sleep is better than nothing. 

Be yourself. I cannot exaggerate this enough. No one will force you to party when you don’t want to, and no one should ever make you feel uncomfortable. Stick to your gut and don’t be a push over. You will find your friends and your place in this giant school of 35,000 – it may just take some time. Don’t let anyone tell you who you are because this is the first time in your life when you have no one making decisions for you. You don’t have to ask to go to the bathroom anymore, you sure as heck don’t need to be pretending to like someone just because they said so. 

The above are a few practical things that made me survive first year. I had a great, but sometimes horrible first year and to this day it is one of my best accomplishments because I did it! And you will all do the same! It’s hard work, but man, does it ever feel good to pack up your res room and feel so accomplished and grown up. Your independence is here! Don’t be afraid to use it but also don’t be afraid to ask for help. Good luck freshmen! We are all cheering you on! 

Hi! I'm Emily. Current fourth year student at UWO earning my degree in English Language and Literature. I can make up a metaphor for almost anything and can also often be found Pinteresting. A lover of literature, fashion and my cat, Audrey.