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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Washington chapter.

At Thanksgiving dinner I kept thinking about how grateful I was for the 8 girls I am living with. Despite all the horrible images I had before about roommates, it has turned out to be not so bad – far from that, in fact. I’m loving it! If you are having great time, you probably relate to these; if you’re having a tough time, you might want to try starting some of these with your roommates or maybe you find these with other friends. Here are the 7 signs you won the roommate lottery!


1.You CHAT a lot

In the morning, afternoon and of course late at night.

You say “hi” and ask each other how your day is going. You talk about pretty much everything from boys to life, and even about politics. Sometimes you guys can get too excited just chatting in a common space and the RAs to come check if you are having a party…but that’s a great sign that you are getting along great, right? Having communication is always important, and you all know it.

via Pinterest 


2. You make everything FUN 

Yes, girls just want to have fun!

When one of you gets hooked on the “Juju On the Beat” dance, you practice together to learn the moves. Game days? Of course, you dress up together and go watch Huskies beat the other teams. They sing Christmas songs with you even before Thanksgiving, just because you are already in the mood! Or you all start playing the Cards Against Humanity in the midnight. Basically, you make any moment enjoyable together.

via PersonalityGrowth


3. You always get the BEST advice

“Should I be an angel or a devil for the Halloween party?”

Your roommates are always there to check your outfit and criticize if it’s not looking great. They make you do a runway walk and take votes for their recommendation. Of course, their help goes way beyond fashion – boy problems, advice about killer classes, it goes on and on. In any case, they support you with brutally honest advice, if necessary, for you to have the best. They’ll give it to you straight, even when you don’t want to hear it.

via WeHeartIt


4. You CELEBRATE together like a family

Birthdays, Holidays and when one of you accomplishes something amazing:

You – and they – will use any opportunity as as an excuse to have a celebration and have fun together! They’ll buy pizza and cake and sing happy birthday for you. Or they get happy about your accomplishment just as much as they celebrate their own. During the holiday season, you watch movies or find something festive to do together. Your roommates are there to celebrate anything with you just like your own family.

via Pinterest


5. You become each other’s MOMs

Need a person to snap a picture for you?

No worries, they’ll start acting like a mother sending her daughter for her first prom and will make you pose for dozens of shots. When you’re going through heartbreak, they are there to listen, comfort and cheer you up. Othertimes, once they find out you are in a show, they support you by come watch your performance, even bringing flowers and sweets. They’ve lived with you long enough that they know you inside and out, and can step into that mom role at a moment’s notice.

 via Tumblr


6. You SHARE like sisters

From food to clothes, you share what you have.

When you get bunch of sandwitches and cookies from your work, you message all your roommates and they appear with happy faces to polish them off. If you tell them you need pretty shoes to wear for a party, they let you wear their heels even if it’s their fanciest pair. You share your favorites too! When you find a good restaurant, you go check the place all together on weekends. You want to share your worlds with each other, just like sisters do. 

  via the UO Blog


7. You RESPECT each other

Most importantly, you always know that you need to treat each other with respect.

You ask for permission or at least let everyone know if your friends are staying overnight. When someone let you use their belongings, such as the microwave, you make sure not to break or make it dirty. You are fully aware that each of you has own value and world to live, and while you love hanging out with them, you also respect their time with family, friends and themselves.

 via WeHeartIt


At the end of the day, you do not take their sweetness or them being wonderful roommmates for granted. You make sure everyone is comfortable and you work together to solve conflicts, if any. They are greatest people to live with and you want to be your best for them. If you’re lucky, you related to all 7 points about your roommates and are sending them this article in your groupchat right now!