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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

The end of the semester is almost here and spring fever is kicking in. It’s easy to lose control and procrastinate your schoolwork. Lucky for you, here is a guide to help you keep it together.


1. To Do Lists

No matter how small the task is, write it down! Need to sign up for research studies? Write it down. Haven’t done laundry in 6 weeks? Write it down! Not only will you remember to do these small but important tasks, but you will also feel SUPER productive crossing it off the list.



2. Color Coding

It’s scientifically proven that color coding makes you 10x smarter. Not only will it make you organized, it will also give you a false sense of having your life together. Most importantly, it will make your notes super pretty.



3. Prioritizing

When making a to-do list, rank the importance of each task from 1-3, with 1 being the least important and 3 being the most. This makes it easier to do the tasks that are most pressing first, rather than the easiest first. Also, include each task’s due date to stay on top of everything.

4.Time Management

It is easy to get consumed by your work or focus on just one area of studying for an exam. Set a time limit for each task; Study Calc for an hour, do Management homework for 45 minutes, etc. Set a timer to make sure you don’t lose track of time.

5. Staying Focused

To help you stay on task, download apps such as “Self Control,” that let you choose websites to block for a certain period of time. Also, listen to a playlist on Spotify or youtube that’s specifically meant for studying. Legit, it helps and makes you feel super smart.


By Sophie Taibl

Washington University Class of 2019. College of arts and sciences, Psychology major with a minor in Design