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Campus Celebrity: Marcus Jecklin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

While many of us have books on the mind, one Sig Ep senior has got his bod racking his brain (and trust me, after you read this article, you’ll be doing the same). This week’s Campus Celebrity is 2 time Wash U Intramural arm-wrestling champion Marcus Jecklin. The “Suns Out, Guns Out” mentality has proved to be quite beneficial toward him. Read below and check out how you can get in the strong arms of one the finest physiques at Wash U. Also make sure to check back as we post videos of Marcus’ arm-wrestling challengers he meets along his way to the top.

HC: How did you get into IM arm wrestling?
MJ: Ever since I was a little kid, I enjoyed arm wrestling. When I was in fourth grade I beat my friend’s older brother. I was shocked, he was four years older than me and I won! I thought, “What if I’m good at this?” Than my fraternity introduced me to the IM sport here and thought I should pick it up again.

HC: What are your stats?
MJ:  I weigh 190, bench 280, and my biceps are 17.5 inches.

Have you ever used your talents at a bar to impress a lady or make some extra cash?
MJ: Oh yes, I do it pretty frequently. I actually did it last Saturday at the bars. It has a high success rate with the ladies…(It’s true I’ve seen it myself!)

HC: Is there a special diet that you follow for arm wrestling?
MJ: Hmm I just follow the weight lifting diet in general: lots of protein shakes, Chipotle, Jimmy Johns, multivitamin, a pre-work out supplement… that kind of stuff.

HC: Do you eat spinach like Popeye to get so strong?
MJ: I hate spinach and pretty much all veggies. I just take multi-vitamins instead.

HC: Do you use your muscles for good or evil?
MJ: Only for good. I’m a lover, not a fighter.

HC: If you could arm-wrestle anyone in the world dead or alive, fictional or real, who would it be and why?
MJ: Oh man, it would definitely have to be Ronnie Coleman bodybuilding hero. I would lose really, really badly, but it’d be great and worth it.

HC: Do you do any other IM sports?
MJ: No, I really focus on this one.

Where can your fans cheer you on as you take on 3 years in a row?
MJ: I think its sometime in November at the Athletic Complex.

HC: I hear that you’re starting a Weightlifting and Fitness club, could you tell me a bit more about that?
MJ: Yep. Rick Sassano (who was a high school state champ wrestler!), Nick Hillard (WashU football player), and I are in the beginning stages of developing a club to create a better gym culture at WashU. Basically I see it as a venue for boys and girls that are interested in health and fitness to get together. Eventually I would like to have fitness classes run by students and include fun philanthropic competitions. People can check us out on Facebook for more information on what we plan on doing and to order a jersey- their really cool.

HC: What’s the commitment for it?
MJ: There would be scheduled gym hours where people could work out with each other and meet new people who also have the same interests. So basically it’s up to you, whatever you want to put into it is whatever you’ll get out of it.

HC: Very cool. So I have to ask, where do you see yourself in 5 years? A seven-year arm-wrestling champion perhaps?
MJ: I would definitely love to keep the streak going, although I don’t know where I would do that Laughs. I’m definitely going to keep working out. I actually have gym at my house, so that should help. My dad got me into weightlifting at home; he’s really into fitness.

HC: Aw, have you ever arm-wrestled your dad?
MJ: Actually, yes. We do it every year. I always win though. I’ve been beating him since 10th or 11th grade.

Well there you have it, if you see this guy around campus don’t be intimidated he’s a big goofball who loves meeting new people so go get him girls but be warned, his hi fives are brutal….