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5 Unique Ways to Spice Up Your Dorm Room

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

1. Ceramic Egg Cartons: Egg cartons can be incredibly useful when compartmentalizing studs, bracelets, and stacking rings. While jewelry trees are probably prevalent amongst your friends’ dorm rooms, stand out with this clever accessory. Buy a ceramic egg carton in a bright color to warm up your room, or just use an actual egg carton DIY style.

Courtesy of turquoiseandteale.com

2. Plant Terrarium: It is hard enough taking care of yourself in college, let alone another living species. While many find the upkeep of a fish or other dorm pets too difficult, they find tending to plants to be more manageable. In fact, desert plants such as succulents and cacti are incredibly easy to upkeep. They are built to survive drought, so even the most negligent college student can keep them alive. They store water in their leaves, stems, and roots, so as long as you keep them by the window, they will flourish with sunlight and infrequent watering. Play with your preference by growing them in mason jars, clay pots, or terrariums. Having low-maintenance plants in your room can amp up the good vibes, and their survival can be reassuring on days when even self-upkeep is challenging.

Courtesy of interiordesigninspiration.net

For a handy guide to growing succulents, click here!

3. DIY Tapestry: Dye your own tapestry using a plain sheet. There are a variety of designs and patterns you could pursue including tie-dye, stencil, and geometric pattern printing. If you are into monogram, you can stencil your initials in as well. Rather than blowing your college savings on room décor, invest a couple of hours into personalizing your room. The activity can lend itself to be therapeutic, also a plus.

Courtesy of designsponge.com

Click here for DIY instructions!

4. Washi Tape: You may have seen it splashed across your Pinterest or on DIY blogs; Washi tape is trending. Coming in all colors and patterns, the Japanese masking tape can be used to decorate anything from laptops to vases, candles to desks, and the walls of your dorm room. Pick through the ever-increasing selection of patterned tapes and use washi tape to personalize your college bookshelf or to tape photos of friends and family onto your wall. Make sure that you and your suitemates don’t mix up cords and ear buds by washi taping your iPhone and computer chargers. Once you start taping, you won’t be able to stop.

Courtesy of cushandnooks.blogspot.co.nz

To browse the variety of designs available, click here!

5. Ping Pong Ball Lights: Christmas lights can brighten up a room, especially in the winter months. While most people opt for regular string lights, put a spin on this trend by attaching ping pong balls to each bulb. You can use plain white ping-pong balls or more decorative ones, depending on what effect you are going for. Make sure to purchase LED lights rather than regular ones so that they don’t overheat the plastic.

Courtesy of momprojects.com 

Courtesy of recyclart.org

Sydney Davis is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Film & Media Studies and minoring in Writing. She loves running, exploring new cities, fashion, boating, and most importantly, Whole Foods.