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20 Things to Smile About (In No Particular Order)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wash U chapter.

Final exams can be incredibly demanding and time-consuming, but it’s important to remember all the great things in life, especially the simple pleasures. My hope is that you come across at least one of these things in the next week to help ease your stress! Good luck everyone, especially with #20!

  1. Warm chocolate chip cookies
  2. Netflix
  3. Gummy vitamins
  4. Food porn
  5. Finding a genuinely good book that you can’t put down
  6. Lemonade stands- a timeless tradition
  7. When you see someone on a Razor Scooter and you know you’re not that old
  8. Clouds that resemble people and/or animals
  9. The fact that dark chocolate is good for you
  10. Having the perfect amount of change in your wallet
  11. Elderly couples holding hands
  12. Farmer’s markets
  13. Pop-up stores
  14. Baby shoes
  15. The first snow of the season
  16. Squishing your toes in the sand
  17. Opening a brand new jar of peanut butter
  18. Laughing until your sides hurt
  19. When you do your laundry and manage not to lose a sock
  20. Turning in your last exam!
Sydney Davis is a senior at Washington University in St. Louis majoring in Film & Media Studies and minoring in Writing. She loves running, exploring new cities, fashion, boating, and most importantly, Whole Foods.